Saturday 9 March 2019

Emilia - 10 Months

A lot of people have been saying it lately, but she is such a female Dom. 

Weight: 19 lb (52 percentile) - SHE'S ABOVE AVERAGE!
Height: 27 inches (10th percentile) - I feel like maybe that's not an accurate measurement, but it's the best I could get with her laying on the floor!


  • Mommy. Eventually she'll branch out! Other than Dave and I, she definitely prefers women over men. 
  • Wrestling with Dom. I don't know how she can withstand his weight being dropped on her and throwing her around. She laughs... alright then!
  • Playing cars. When Dom is napping she gets to play with all his cars, and that's probably the easiest time of the day for me because she happily entertains herself with them. 
  • The church nursery. The last two weeks my parents have taken the kids into the nursery so we can enjoy the morning service together. For some reason she does amazing in there! Doesn't even notice I'm not there. 
  • Goofing around with Dom. At dinner they just look at each other and make noises and giggle back and forth. It warms my heart (and annoys me when the noises they make back and forth are loud squeals and yells)
  • Grocery shopping. She loves to sit in the buggy, dance to the music, smile at the people, and of course... stare at Mommy.


  • Sitting still. Ever. She is definitely not a TV baby. I wish I could get her to sit and zone out for 15 minute
  • When I vacuum.

  • Size 9 and 9-12 month clothing. We're pushing the limits on some of her 9 month stuff, but she just has so many cute clothes in this size I'm going to squeeze her in a little longer. I also don't have a lot of 12 month clothes and don't feel like going shopping haha!
  • Size 3 diapers. I bought some 4's for when we run out of 3's, though as she's been leaking out of these ones every so often. 
  • No new teeth this month, still just the two on the bottom. I think she's working on a couple more though. Sure is cranky today!
  • When she's tired she snuggles into me and sucks her fingers. If I'm not holding her I can tell because she starts playing with her ears and her hair. 
  • She started patting my back while I'm burping her
  • When she plays with Dom's cars she makes car noises. She has the usual "bbbbbvbvbvbv" and a "bubububub". 
  • She's starting to grasp the idea of asking to be picked up instead of just whining and crying. Sometimes. She looks up and goes "pupupupup". 
  • She stood on her own for 15+ seconds on March 3! She hasn't done it since; I don't even think she knew it was happening. 
  • Her hair gets thicker every day. It's very fine and light, but there is a lot of it; much like me.
  • I caught her with her baby doll giving it cuddles and kisses. 
  • She mooches my breakfast every morning. She stands and smiles and reaches for my plate to get a bite of my PB&J toast. 
  • If she's playing and I ask her if she wants lunch or dinner she drops everything and crawls over as fast as she can.
  • She thinks she's pretty hilarious. 
  • She is CONSTANTLY throwing food off her tray. She's a much pickier eater than Dom was. He would eat everything we put in front of him at this age. She'll always eat blueberries, muffin, yogurt and applesauce. The rest is hit or miss. She loves feeding the dog from her high chair which just creates bad habits all around. I guess she's still growing though!
  • I am determined to get her attached to something that isn't just me. I crocheted her a mouse lovey thing and am working on using it for comfort with her. So far she pushes it away and doesn't care for it at all. I'll keep trying! Dom having his blankets he's attached to has made it so much easier for comforting him. Anyone can comfort him as long as he has his blanket. For her, it's just me... only me... all the time. It's endearing I suppose, but also exhausting. 
  • She is spending next weekend at my parents house while Dave and I go away for two nights. It'll be our first time leaving her for the night. I'm only nervous about the sleeping. Napping and nights. She's not used to sleeping in a play pen, and she's a little fickle lately, and there's the time change this week. Lots of factors! Be good for Opa & Oma!
  • She sings! She'll play with Dom's guitar, strum it a little, and vocalize long sounds, which I can only assume is her trying to sing. The rest of the time her sounds are short spurts. Ah, Ba, Ga Pup, Ya, La, etc. She only does this longer noise when playing with the guitar.

A Typical Day:
0700: wake up and 8 oz formula
0815: oatmeal and some fruit or yogurt
1000-1130: Nap 1
1130: 6 oz formula
1230: lunch
230-400: Nap 2
400: 6 oz formula
500: family dinner
700: 8 oz formula & bed-time!

We had tons of adorable photos this week. Couldn't pick a favorite...

Aunty Sonya and my mom were commenting on how this face, with her sucking in her bottom lip, reminds them of me as a baby. I'll have to look into that!

This is her face much of the time. I don't understand why she has such a crazy smile! I love it.

Oh my sweet girl

We'll call this the Mommy face. She's coming for me!

This is the endearing part of being her favorite thing in the entire world.

She loves me. No denying that.


A little out of focus, but the lip game is so strong in this one. Jeez!

We need more nice photos of us with our kids <3

How do you know Mom is behind the camera?... Crazy smile!! Also I hardly have any photos of Dom and Em, so I'm glad we did this today.

An example of her "singing"

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