Friday 1 March 2019

Kids Say

I have been waiting over two years to do one of these posts! Katrina does them every so often for Henry, and now Sam. I always find them so funny, and I bet she'll love to look back on them and remember the way her kids thought/spoke.

Back in November I wrote this post, which is the strange way Dom said some words. Since then his vocabulary has exploded!

Since Dom hasn't been speaking in sentences for long, I've been slowly compiling things to share. As it's a long time span, I decided to date them. Some may need more context, some are just honest toddler moments, and others are him clearly hearing us say things and repeating them. Have to start being careful! Haha

Jan 19:
Dom takes a sip of my sparkling water.

Feb 5:
Dom and I are reading the Richard Scarry Boats book. He now wants the Cars one. 
Me: You can find it in the book bucket.
Dom: Mommy gook (look)!
Me: No Dom, you can do it. 
Dom: Oh COME ON!

Feb 9:
Driving to my parents and I hear someone fart in the back seat. 
Me: HEY! Who farted?!
Dom: Dom! Dom toot. Hehehe! 
*I don't know where he even got the word toot. Not from me!

Feb 9:
Arrive at my parents, Dom still in his car seat.
Dom: Mommy, Dom gooboos nose. (gooboos=boogers)
Me: Nice, Thanks for sharing.
Dom: Mommy, Dom eat gooboos. 

Feb 12: 
Dom grinding salt and pepper onto a plate while I make soup. 
Me: Dom, what are you making? (Fully expecting him to say soup)
Dom:... A SNOWMAN!

Feb 13: 
Dom knows the names of 25+ cars, and he even knows the sounds of some. David is driving and parking cars with Dom on his car mat. He picks up a Camaro...
Dave: Vvvvvvvvvvt, vvvvvt.... 
Dom: No, Daddy! Camaro Bububububub. 
*Love that correction! Put Daddy in his place! For the record, I'd also like to note that Dom calls Lamborghinis Gambaninis, and it's the cutest thing ever. 

Feb 17: I'm carrying him down the stairs and I guess I have a little cleavage.
Dom: Mommy, yucky poo.
*... I guess my cleavage looks like a bum. 

Feb 20: 
We've started sitting around the table for dinner instead of at the island. We've also started saying a little prayer before dinner.
Me: Dom, fold your hands and close your eyes.
Dom gets the fold his hands part, but the closing his eyes he just gives the MOST INTENSE frown the entire time. I have to peek through my hands and try not to laugh every time. He looks SO angry!

It's like this, but angrier and praying

Feb 27: 
At Honeybee Center with Aunty Sonya. Stacking creamers while we wait for our food.
Sonya: Dom, what are you making?
Dom: ummmm.... A Snowman!
*I guess that's all he can think of when we ask what he's making.

Feb 28: 
Sitting in the living room in the morning.
Me: Dom, are you cold? I'm cold.
Dom: No. Mommy, put on mittens. 
*This is clearly directly from us telling Dom he had to wear mittens outside if he didn't want to be cold.

I am SO loving seeing his personality and sense of humour come out in the way he speaks. I could write down everything he says in a day, because a lot of it I find funny, but maybe that's just because I'm his mom. Most likely!

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