Thursday 28 February 2019

Thankful Thursday - 171

This week I am thankful for...

1. Finally getting to the Honeybee Center! We've been living here 3.5 years and have yet to visit here, until now! Aunty Sonya came over yesterday and during Emilia's nap we walked down to the Honeybee Center with Dom. There wasn't any special event or anything, so we wandered the store, tried a bunch of honey, and then went to the Beestro for lunch! The food was a pleasant surprise; delicous! The service was a bit slow, but we weren't in a rush. Dom was having a blast watching the cars, stacking creamers, talking, and observing. He got comfortable there very quickly. This Spring and next time they do an event there we are definitely walking down as a family!

Dom was running around, mostly behaving. He tried MANY of the honey samples. Loved every single one. Here is Aunty Sonya giving him a taste.

Checking out the fishies and the baby fishies in the little pond.

We got some honey sticks, and Dom picked one up and goes, "GASP! Honey Noonoos!" (Honey Noodles) Made us laugh!

Killing time while we wait for our food

Dom digging in to our apple cumble dessert. Of course we forgot it might be hot... The combination of hot pie and cold ice cream made him aggressively spit out his first bite. Oops!

She brought over some new books, too! Always a win. I've only read the Moose one about a hundred times since yesterday! Haha

2. Forts! Dave built a fort in our living room the other day. My favorite part was when Dom was outside the fort and figured the blanket would be able to hold him, so he fell right through the roof. He was okay, and I laughed very hard. 

The demolishing of the fort at the end, courtesy of all 3 of our babies.

3. Tea Party. Dom loves to randomly decide it's tea time. Here he is bringing me some tea in the morning while I have my toast on the couch. Love his focus and the fact that he put the tea cups on the little saucers, and brought a set for himself as well. I also love that Emilia and Dom play in the kitchen together, peacefully, for relatively long periods of time. Dom mostly makes her "sandwiches" or something and she just chews on the play food. Regardless, it keeps them busy and happy and off in one corner of the house. Oh, and allows me to do a bit of typing :). 

4. Cold calls. Okay, so I am actually not really thankful for these, but I've been helping out with some marketing for Kimber Images. It's slow, although the nicer weather means it'll start naturally picking up a bit. What we're finding is that a lot of people are using the massive companies for photos because they also offer floor plans, feature sheets, etc. They also pay for all sorts of advertising and have hundreds of employees. It is very hard (near impossible) to compete with that, other than the product Dave supplies is high quality. Nonetheless, I've been doing cold calls this week for an hour or two a day. Awkward, but it's nice to have something to do that isn't just child-rearing and house work! Most of them have been relatively well-received, too. Any other suggestions for getting clients for Dave are welcome!

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