Tuesday 20 March 2018

32 Weeks (SCOOTER BOARD/HEAD OF LETTUCE) - 2.0: March 13-19

We finally painted Dom's new room this week (which is where we've always taken the photos). I no longer have to try to remove the ugly coloring of the old wall! It was an ugly brownish colour... Whatever the developers used when this place was built in 2008. 

  • The pregnancy hormones are manifesting as frustrations at work this week. It's hard! I find something overwhelming, so I want to address it, but then I'm scared I'll just start crying and won't be taken seriously. I am not a crier in a professional atmosphere , and typically things don't phase me much, but we're getting to the point where I'm just done and don't want to deal with people's crap anymore. This is very familiar from last pregnancy at this time! Haha
  • I keep having dreams about going into labour. Please no! Not yet! One time I ended up giving birth to a surprise baby boy instead of a girl though. haha! Have to keep that option open in my mind.
  • So remember how I was saying I was feeling so much better on the iron supplements? I don't know how that's possible anymore. I had my bloodwork done again, and I expected my levels to go from 11 to at least 40 considering the high dose of iron I'm on. However, they went DOWN to 10! WHAT?! How is that possible?! I have a midwife appointment next week to go over my results. I'm curious what they'll say...
    *Update* they called me and recommended I switch brands. I've never gotten a call to discuss bloodwork results before! I guess it really couldn't wait until my appointment this coming week.
  • Well... finished off 32 weeks of pregnancy with an awful case of the stomach flu or food poisoning. I did not get out of bed at all on Monday. I have never had anything like that. Just horrible. David got it too, and we didn't have any childcare available to watch Dom, so we had to tough it out and hope that he doesn't also get sick. I tried so hard to stay hydrated for baby all day, but nothing would stay down. I figured if I couldn't keep water down for 18 hours I would go to the hospital to get checked out/hooked up, but after 12 hours I finally stopped vomiting and was able to keep little sips down. GROSS! Baby kept up with her movements throughout the day, so I wasn't really concerned about her, mostly just concerned about dehydration and the contractions that can cause.
  • Once the nausea went away, I was left with extreme aches and pains. Pretty sure I pulled every muscle in my body from throwing up. Let's hope that never happens again!!
  • I've called the midwife pager more times this week than I did in my entire pregnancy with Dom. I always feel like I'm going to be bothering them, but they're so nice!
  • So many baby hiccups! It always makes me chuckle and fondly rub my belly :)
  • 32 Weeks Pregnant with Dominic
  • 32 Weeks Huggies Graphic
    Pregnant lady

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