Monday 28 November 2016

34 WEEKS (PINEAPPLE): Nov 20-26

Smile through that exhaustion Renee! I'm going to be glad we took these pictures one day :)

  • Baby is the size of a pineapple this week... 
  • Let's try that again. Baby weighs about 5.25 lb this week and measures probably around 18 inches if I had to guess. He's mainly continuing to build bulk!!
  • Not much is changing with baby this week. His testicles will supposedly (likely) be descending into his scrotum. Fun. Sometimes I forget that I'm going to have to deal with a little baby penis when he comes out! Haha
  • The vernix is building up on baby this week before starting to shed a few weeks from now in preparation for birth. 
  • I had another case of the weird blurry vision caused by low blood pressure (or so they tell me). It was a little different this time, but started out the same, feeling like I had just stared into a bright light and was seeing spots. Eventually half my vision was taken over by these "spots", but it went away after about 15 minutes of me hydrating and laying down. The midwives don't seem concerned, and I felt fine, so I wasn't concerned either. Just David, my resident hypochondriac :)
  • BH Contractions are still fairly regular, but I can tell they're BH and not labor contractions because 1) There is no rhyme or reason, 2) They will usually go away if I change position/hydrate, 3) They don't build up and ease off, they are sudden!
  • As mentioned in last week's post, along with the contractions, I occasionally get cramping. Nothing major... and according to the midwives, nothing to be concerned about. Just a good excuse to stop what I'm doing and sit down, drink some water and put my feet up for a bit. DEAL! My body is telling me to slow down (unless I want baby to come sooner... No thank you).
  • I have to keep on top of my All Bran or I pay for it later!
  • As the ratio of baby to amniotic fluid grows, I can start picking out body parts better when he kicks/wiggles in my belly. Most often it is a foot sticking out the right side of my abdomen, or up near my ribs. I love how I can sort of estimate the size of his little footsies!
    One night I was also getting knees and shins/legs (distinctly) on the upper right, and elbows/hands on the bottom right. His bum is easy to distinguish because it's the giant mass that moves across/around the top of my uterus, usually leaning towards the left. Maybe it's not so obvious to others, but to me I can sometimes really envision how baby is positioned in there. Makes me feel more connected :)
  • So this is pretty cool... David was able to hear baby's heartbeat THROUGH my abdomen. He placed his head on there, along baby's side/back where we knew his heart would be, and he could hear it! Baby was hiccuping at the same time, so that was fun to watch David get all annoyed every time he got booted due to a hiccup. 
  • We had another baby shower, thrown by David's mom Shelley on Sunday! We were completely spoiled again, and I am now feeling so much more prepared for baby! We have almost everything crossed off the list of things to buy! Just have to keep our eyes open for some sales on more baby wipes! Now is the time to stock up. 
Nursery is coming together! Starting to feel like a nursery!
  • We had another midwife appointment and prenatal class this past Monday. Our class was about pain management options during labour. Time to start creating a birth plan (A, B, and C...). We will meet with our doula in a couple weeks to discuss what we hope to get out of this experience, and what our goals are, etc. The midwife said again everything with myself and baby is perfect, but just to keep an eye on the low blood pressure and cramping. 
    • My Weight: 142 lb (+19 lb from first appointment; up 1 lb from 32 weeks)
    • My Blood Pressure: 107/65 (this is low, but even lower considering I had just gone up a flight of stairs)
    • Belly Measurement: 34 cm (right on track)
    • Baby Heart Rate: 150 BPM (we noticed audible variations in the rate this time due to baby moving around while Carol had the doppler on there!)
  • Remember those long strong fingernails I was boasting about before? Well... the hormones have changed and they are now long and brittle :(
  • I still find it hilarious when baby-K gets the hiccups. Someone told me it would get annoying. I mean... while it's inconvenient to have it going on while I'm trying to sleep, I can usually fall asleep when baby is active. I try to consider it comforting to know he's active in there instead of disruptive. 
  • I think I'm starting to get a couple more stretch marks. It's like my marks from puberty on my hips are growing. That's okay... I am doing everything in my power to embrace this new body I have (and will have). David helps a lot with that...
  • This is new... I've been noticing a slight burning/irritated sensation on my left side, just above my uterus, under my bra. It's like a strip. It feels like it's been burned and is irritated. One night I woke up with a STABBING pain. I thought something had been ripped off my ribs. I waited it out for 10 seconds, trying not to wake David, and then it subsided and I was able to go back to sleep. After that, though, The irritation is constant and even having my clothes touch the skin is painful. There is nothing visible to the naked eye. I did some research and googling and found that this can be caused by nerve damage due to muscle tearing around abdominals/rib cage. FUN! Nothing can be done to ease the pain either... Except getting the baby out! Let's hope it doesn't get too much worse... At this point, other than the random jolts, it's not SO painful or anything, but it's annoying... 
  • At the end of this week, over the weekend, we went to Lions Bay for my parent's 30th anniversary celebration with the family. Had a great time, but do wish my stomach was bigger so I could have indulged a little greater in the amazing eats!
  • Heartburn comes on now anytime I do... anything!

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