Thursday 3 November 2016

Thankful Thursday - 63

This week I am thankful for....

1. My health. I am so grateful to be feeling physically well all things considered. I could be in MUCH worse shape. this pregnancy has been text-book. Yes, of course there are aches and pains, lack of sleep, leg cramps, fatigue, heartburn, etc. All the things that are easy to complain about, but why would I complain about them when probably every pregnant person gets them? In preggo land, I've had it very easy, and I am super grateful for that. I am also set up to get my flu shot soon I think. Here's hoping that keeps the bugs away this winter! (I've only been sick once with a cold this pregnancy in August and it was AWFUL - no medications allowed!). 

I don't know what picture to pick for "my health", so I just chose one where I think I look fairly healthy! haha

2. Great friends. David and I have been blessed with many amazing friends. This just recognizes a couple of them :). Amy & Brent had us over for dinner this week. I had previously made a big batch of spaghetti sauce, and was going to bring them some so they wouldn't have to cook one night. Amy instead decided to invite us over to share the dinner with them! It was fun seeing their lives with the three boys. Either they're very good at pretending, or they have all adjusted very well! Carter and Devin are such loves. Yes... they're loud, but they're boys! Of course they're loud! David and I enjoy looking at them and thinking, "This could be us in a few years!" Haha!! So much chaotic greatness! Of course Baby Eli was a perfect angel the whole time we were there. Why do you guys make it look so easy?! ;) Thank you for having us over!! 

Seriously. How cute are they?

3. Halloween success. I don't know about you, but for me there is nothing worse than seeing my husband be disappointed. Last year I could tell he was disappointed with the lack of trick-or-treaters. He LOVES Halloween, and puts tons of effort into it, and LOVES scaring people or having people ooh and ahh over his fog, lights, set-up, etc. This year I was terrified to get excited for him, and just tried to keep my distance from the whole Halloween thing (probably more fun for him that way anyway). I kept reminding him not to get his hopes up too high (pessimistic or realistic?), and Scott encouraged him that day that if no kids come, they'll just pull out the camera and film something sweet in the yard. Haha good job speaking his language! Turns out all the worry was for naught. David considers his evening a success and I couldn't be happier! Now if only we could get the rest of the decorations taken down and put away until next year.... 

Can you name 3 things you're thankful for today?

1 comment:

  1. I got the flu with Henry... it was so awful!! It occurred to me after that I should get the flu shot while pregnant (I don't otherwise). Will be getting it this season.
