Monday 7 November 2016

31 WEEKS (COCONUT): Oct 30-Nov 5

Poor David. He puts up with so much. "Come on hunny... humour me!" Lol

  • Well... I am 7 months pregnant now... I kind of feel like I was JUST coming to terms with being 6 months pregnant. 
  • Baby weighs in at around (over) 3 pounds this week! This is like a real thing now... He still measures at around 16 inches long. I guess he can't keep growing in length at crazy rates or he'd be a crazy tall guy! The next 7-11 weeks baby focuses more on putting on weight (another 3-5 pounds) than growing in length. 
  • Baby is now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all 5 senses. Crazy!
  • Baby is undergoing some major brain and nerve development this week. Maybe that's why I'm so exhausted! He is sucking the life out of me!
  • I read that this week baby is having longer stretches of sleep. HA! YA RIGHT! WITH ALL THIS MOVEMENT?! Then I read on further, and discovered it is particularly REM sleep. Ah... so the twitchy, dreamy, fluttery, unsettled sleep... Story checks out!
  • Baby-K can turn his head from side to side now. I'm not positive I felt that, but I definitely felt something strange and... "roll-ey" feeling around my left hip (which coincidentally is supposedly where baby's head is). 
  • They describe some baby movements as "pedaling" along my uterine wall. I have definitely noticed this pedaling action on my right side, where I believe his feet are. It is the most bizarre feeling, usually happening right as I take a breath to relax when I crawl into bed. I am going to miss these movements when he's out! 
A lovely little 10 second sample of what some kicks look like at times. I'm laying on my left side in this video, and filming from up near my face. 
  • We registered at Surrey Memorial Hospital this week and had our hospital tour! Sometimes I panic when I realize somewhere between 7 and 11 weeks from now we will have a baby... Please be at least 9 weeks away... I want a 2017 baby! (AKA... not a Christmas baby!
  • I've been noticing more shortness of breath (even while I'm just sitting at work, or walking very short distances). This is because the top of my uterus is now 4 inches above my belly button, which means all the organs that were there have been squished up! My lungs can't expand like they used to. People at work keep asking me if I'm getting sick when I talk to them on the phone. I guess after making 100 phone calls my voice sounds rather tired and hoarse and I sound out of breath. Haha! Nope! Just exhausted from talking and breathing!
  • I regularly suffer from pregnancy brain. I try my best to keep my act together at work, and people are very patient with me most of the time! It happens frequently where I'll call down to the nursing station with some important information. Upon them answering the phone I will have completely forgotten why I call... How embarrassing!
  • I'm tired. I am still only up 1-2 times per night to pee, but I'm not sleeping as well as I used to (shocking). There is some back pain and rib pain involved... That's okay. I try not to complain. I've also gotten good at treating my own leg and foot cramps as they come up (which they do... every night). Rude awakenings!
  • I'm so used to putting on a happy face and not letting people see how tired I really am that I feel like people at work probably have no idea half the time. Fake it 'til ya make it right?
  • I'm starting to think about packing our hospital bag(s). Any recommendations? hospital recommended packing a pillow and some cheap flip flops or slippers that I can throw away after... I've heard of packing snacks for both of us, bedding for David, and a front-opening robe for "easy access". What were some must-haves you packed in your hospital bag?
  • I had my prenatal dentist appointment on Tuesday this week. I was nervous as many women develop gingivitis and cavities during pregnancy. However... I'm in the clear!!! Good to go for another 9 months! Whew! I gotta say though, laying on my back for an hour in the dentist chair got very uncomfortable. It was almost as bad as the gum-violation they do! I had to get up to stretch a few times during the cleaning, and even ask for a pillow/support... High maintenance! ;)
  • I have heard from some people that as you get farther along in your third trimester your baby may fidget a bit if you drink some cold water (or probably any cold beverage). This week I started noticing some distinct kicks after I drank some water. I forgot about it for a while, and then David and I were sitting on the couch and I said, "Hey... I want to do an experiment." I got up, got a glass of water, and sat down. I put David's hand on my stomach and drank a few large sips of water. By the time they hit my stomach... KICK SHUFFLE KICK BUMP! We did this a few more times over the span of the next hour to make sure we weren't imagining things. I guess baby doesn't like the cold. Haha! It is cool to feel like we're interacting with him and almost playing with him. Still weird when I really sit and think about it, but it is pretty amazing. 
  • As David and I were walking the dog, I could feel baby moving around, and bumping into my bladder. I complained in jest, and kept walking. Then I started thinking.... David just has NO idea what is happening in here. I wish men could experience their partners' pregnancies for like... 10 minutes, or an hour. Just to really understand what it feels like. I feel bad... I feel like he's missing out! I try my best to include him, but he will never understand. Are there other mommies out there who feel/felt this way?!
    *David figures he wouldn't be able to handle it. I guess he thinks he has a low tolerance for discomfort. I tried to encourage him I'm really not THAT uncomfortable... the pros outweigh the cons for me at this point*
  • My breasts are getting sore again. Time for another growth spurt?! Haha... They've been pretty "normal" for most of this pregnancy, so I guess it's just time!
  • Heartburn has been making more of an appearance this week. Still not constant, or even all that often, but when I do get it it's worse than it has been for sure. 
  • I got my flu shot this week. So far no side-effects! And yes... It is safe (and even recommended) to have the flu shot during pregnancy. 
  • Close-up belly-shot update... 

And here you can see that nice red stretch mark I was talking about. Right over my belly-button piercing. It's grown a bit too... Baby bellies are weird... and I need a tan! Haha

I'm trying to treasure these moments of baby kicks and jabs and discomfort and fondly rubbing my belly and having it be appropriate... I know I'll miss pregnancy when it's over! I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I forget what it's like to have a "normal" body... To have my own body. What even is my own body anymore?!

  • My mom (with the help of Aunty Sonya) threw a baby shower this past weekend for the family and some friends. We were so completely spoiled and Baby-K is so loved! David, my dad and all my brothers came along and hung out in the other room. I am so glad they were invited. It would be weird for me to not have them there. It's tough sometimes being the only girl in a house full of boys, particularly with these "girl only" and "boy only" events. Some of my favorite people don't get to be there otherwise!
    After this shower, we now understand why babies are so darn well-dressed all the time! Putting the parents to shame! Haha
  • One of my good friends had a baby this week. Just over a week before her due date. I had a sneaky feeling she would deliver early! I haven't gotten to see her or meet the baby yet, but I can't wait to hear about her experience and meet the little baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. I like the bare belly side photo! I didn't realize how your belly button is sticking out. Mine never did with Henry. Maybe this time.

    I recommend a toothbrush for David... he'll be right up in your face a lot ;)

    Oh man, getting so close!!!
