Thursday 24 November 2016

Thankful Thursday - 66

This week I'm thankful for...

1. Christmas is coming! This year I really wanted to set up Christmas decorations early so that I could thoroughly enjoy them on my time off. This year I also realized we do not have much in the way of decorations other than lights and ornaments... Therefore we need to get our tree! For now my pantry snowman and some lights in the living room will have to do :)

2. Nursery coming together. I am finally feeling mostly prepared if this baby decides to come early. We are getting our car seat installed next week, and then we are pretty much set I think!

3. Maternity/Anniversary Photos. I'm so glad we did this before we started our family together. It had been 4 years since we'd had professional photos taken, and a lot changes from 21-25... Next time we have family photos it will be a whole lot different all over again!

4. LAST dog agility trial. I decided last minute to register for one more dog agility trial. I really wasn't happy with how the last one went, and didn't want to go out on a "disappointing" note. This time we were in our home barn where we take classes, and we didn't really tell anyone we were running to keep spectators to a minimum. We put Sherlock away in his crate between runs, and tried some other tricks our instructor taught us. No perfect runs, as Sherlock still likes to run for the gates and tires quickly, but a great improvement from last time in his listening skills!
Everyone was so worried about me the whole day. Worried I was going to fall, maybe. I was the only (noticeably) pregnant lady running... apparently not many people run agility until they're 8 months pregnant... 

Starters Snooker

This was our first run of the day, at 2:30pm. He was full of beans as you can see, but I got him back on track to do some of the obstacles at least! Silly me though... I forgot to un-clip his collar and was my run was declared FEO (For exhibition only). Otherwise we would have had 23 points (out of a necessary 37 haha)

Starters Standard

This run was awesome in my opinion. He got all 12 weaves on his first try, mostly stuck with me except when he ran to the gate (stinker), but he came back! If we were a little quicker (8 seconds quicker) and he didn't decide to totally blow past the last jump (I was devastated, but saw it coming), we would have had a Q!! Very happy with this run over all. Great improvement from the last trial

Starters Gambler

We had a GREAT start on this one! He actually started with me, so that's a major positive! Then when he got distracted after our 4 point obstacle in the far back corner and started running, he actually (maybe reluctantly) came back. We ran out of time before getting our 20 necessary opening points, but I kept him on track towards the final gamble. And then he fell apart dodging the tunnel entrance to go visit his friends at the gate. (His friends are any human or dog in sight... So everyone). I wasn't expecting a Q, so I left this run feeling happy. 

Starters Jumpers

Oh this poor dog. He was so exhausted by this point in the day. I pulled off an unorthodox move at the beginning to keep myself between him and the gates (good move me!). It was 7:30pm before this run even started, and he'd been awake all day. You can see how slow he is! Haha. By the end, for the last 4 jumps he just decided he was done, "Bye mom! I'm done." So casually too... If he had hit those 4 jumps we would have had our Q. I could have pulled him back to complete them, but I was so pleased with how he'd done the rest of the day, and you know what... I was tired and done too. It wasn't worth the fight.

Bonus. 10 more days of work when this day is over. I haven't been feeling great (low blood pressure which causes light-headedness and blurred vision, so hopefully I can make it through the last 10 days. Full weeks have been super tough lately, but only two more!!! Also, I'll be training the new girl to cover for me, and I don't want to leave her high and dry!


  1. The nursery looks so cute! Are those baby pictures of you and David??

    1. Thank you!!
      And yes they are haha! They were displayed at our showers :) Lol
