Tuesday 2 March 2021

33 Weeks (WINDOWS 95 BOX) - 3.0: Feb 23-Mar 1

Creepy - just noticed you can see David's shadow taking of him taking the picture on the wall haha

  • 33 weeks and feeling... 33 weeks! Haha David seems to think everything is happening sooner and more intense than with the other pregnancies, but I think as far as pregnancy goes it's all pretty consistent with the other two. The main difference is that I just have way more going on in my life so I'm much more exhausted than I was before. When I was pregnant with Dom I was living the dream - working a desk job, very little responsibility at home... life was much simpler pre-children. When I was pregnant with Emilia I was almost wrapping up working, and just had Dom at home who was at a pretty easy age all things considered (different kind of easy than now).  
  • On the 25th I woke up just feeling off. I was so physically drained. I was hard to get up, hard to go up and down the stairs, I was out of breath, I had a headache... just off. I tried to sit down a little more than usual and drank lots of water. It obviously ended up being nothing, but I wonder if it was a low BP or blood sugar situation. 
  • Workouts are so much harder than they used to be. I try - but really only a couple times a week - to do the workouts. I can only do the modified options for most things and even then I have to ditch the bands sometimes. It's just my hips and pelvis don't have the strength right now. Tooooo loosey goosey! Even with the belts on! 
  • No linea nigra yet. I think I got a really faint one later on with both the other pregnancies, so I'm sure it's coming, but will likely be so light I'll hardly notice. 
  • I've noticed that my socks are giving my legs indents now at the end of the day - the start of the ankle swelling! I swelled up with Dom in my last couple days of pregnancy and first few days postpartum - less so with Emilia. Curious what will happen this time. 
  • Oh man, when I'm walking around I'll sometimes get such intense lightning crotch. Baby is head down, so I wonder if sometimes there is just a fist down there trying to punch its way out or something. I took Dom to the grocery store and had a few episodes where I literally had to keel over, cross my legs, and vocalize the discomfort (I tried to do so in the least alarming way for other shoppers haha). Finally we were just grabbing the last couple things and it happened again and I felt something like a pop, and then sudden relief. My brain then created the sensation of fluids leaking and I was pretty convinced baby had just popped the amniotic sac and I had to get out of there. I rushed Dom to the till, tried to act normal, kept my legs crossed, and waddled to the car. I got home to realize literally nothing had happened. THANK GOODNESS! I was going through all the scenarios in my head. Who to call if I was leaking, what our labour contingency plan for the kids was, what we'd need to scramble-pack for a hospital bag, how I was scared of COVID restrictions with the NICU, bla bla bla. I told myself I wasn't allowed to get too wrapped up until I got home and went pee. 
    So, I guess in the end it was probably like baby's fist was wedged somewhere and then it suddenly broke free and knocked me, hence the "popping" feeling. Yeesh. Made me realize we're definitely not ready if this baby does decide to come early haha. Lots to do!
  • Dave doesn't handle "emergencies" very well, so I decided not to tell him anything at all until I went pee to analyze the situation. Good call. Even as I was explaining later what happened and that it was absolutely nothing he got all panicky. It's so funny to me how opposite we are. In regular life, I'm overly stressed and irrational about things whereas he's easy going, mostly logical, etc. In emergencies or highly stressful situations, I get calm, rational, logical, etc. He gets totally panicky and can't think straight. At least one of us (almost) always has it together! haha
  • We were introduced via email to our Doula this week! Her name is Jackie, and we plan to meet up on March 9 over Zoom to discuss labour and delivery "plans" and get to know each other a little bit. I keep forgetting we registered for a Doula, but am so relieved every time I'm reminded. Will be so nice to have that extra layer of support should anything not go according to my "plan". I don't have a real birth plan because I know those can be silly in some senses because it's so far out of control, but I do have some birth expectations that I can't seem to shake. 
  • I wish I had a blood pressure monitor at home. It would be helpful for me to determine the cause of some of my fatigue/off feelings. Do I need to eat? Do I need to drink? Do I need to get up and move? Do I need to drop everything and rest? Is walking the dog a great idea or the worst idea? Haha
  • This baby is SO LOW. I still have yet to be kicked in the ribs. Baby also has very long legs, so that can give you an idea of how low baby/my belly is sitting. Most of the movements are stretches. So the baby's back/bum stretches way out to one side, and the legs and feet stretch way out to the other side. Pretty strange sight if I have my shirt lifted!
  • I keep absent-mindedly referring to baby as a boy. The kids do too. I wonder...
  • My cousin in Holland had her baby this week! The first of many family babies in 2021! It also happens to possibly be one of the cutest newborns I've ever seen. Ermagersh

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