Friday 19 March 2021

Thankful Thursday - 256

 This week I am thankful for...

1. Pedicure! Aly generously booked a pedicure for both Ashleigh and I last week at Fluid Spa in Langley. I had a course for work in the morning, so I did that from 7-9, and then went right across the street to their "new" location (AKA not Fraser Heights like I used to go to). It was so open and bright in there, and boy did I need some pampering. Thank you Aly! This is one of those things that I love to do, but just don't ever do for myself! :)

Ashleigh suggested a blue-ish colour for me, which is outside of my normal realm, but I actually really like it! Normally I go for pink, coral, purpley colours. I'm much more willing to try different/fun things on my toes than my fingers! Haha

2. Rest. I'm trying! Really hard! I'm intentionally decreasing my daily to do list, and sitting down to read more instead of thinking about all the cleaning, prepping, organizing I need to get done the next couple weeks. David's work was busy a couple days this week which meant I was solo parenting most of the day including over dinner time, the days after daylight savings. The kids and I were all a little groggy and irritable one morning, so I suggested we go up and play in Dom's room, and I can lay down in his bed. Of course that ended up being all three of us in his bed, but it was quiet, we cuddled, and I am pretty sure I dozed off for a few minutes during a lull. 

Emilia is very hesitant to move into Dom's room. We were going to use this crib for her, but have decided instead to try the big girl bed as a bottom bunk under Dom's bed. We took her to IKEA and let her pick out new bedding. Hoping to make the move tonight! Wish us luck! I feel bad though because all of a sudden in the last week she's started seeking refuge and alone time in her own room, and goes there to recharge if she's feeling overwhelmed or upset. All of a sudden we're going to take away her safe space. Poor girl. 

3. Independent kids. I think I cry every day right now haha. I am not a crier, so this is new territory for me! It's just general fatigue ad hormones being 36.5 weeks pregnant. I am frustrated that everything around the house is so difficult and I can't keep up with basic things, and that getting up and down off the couch is such a struggle. I remind myself that I am carrying a 26lb weight around with me all right on my front in one spot. This morning I had a moment; the kids were playing nicely, but just needing some help with things, and needing snacks, and needing to have bums wiped, and spilling drinks, and usual kids stuff. When I found a giant puddle in the kitchen from Emilia playing at the sink I got down to clean it up and started crying, and Dom comes over:

D: Mommy, are you crying?
Me: Oh, yea hunny, but it's okay you didn't do anything wrong. 
D: Oh why are you crying? 
Me: I'm just tired. 
D: I'm going to give you a snuggle. (We hug for a minute). Mommy, you can go take a nap, and then me and Emilia will go play in my room. 
Me: You want me to go lay down in my room, and you'll play in your room and that's okay with you? 
E: Ya! Me and Dom can play school!

We actually followed through with it. I did text Dave to let him know the kids were unsupervised, so he came up (although he was supposed to be working... it was probably the wiser choice haha). I slept for almost an hour and a half. I am so blown away by how Dom handled that situation like an adult, and they were both so on board with it. The rest of the time all they do is take take take, but it felt like a moment where all our hard work allowed them to give back. 

Some pics of our outdoor play this week...

Me basking in the sun while they all wash David's car

Check out her new (to her) Jelly shoes! Who else had these growing up?! *Thanks Jaia :)*

Dom managed to dump his entire thing of bubbles in the 10 minutes we were out there. Emilia did great keeping it under control

4. Help. I am so bad at accepting help, and I know it. Everything in my personality is against it. That being said, Mom went to Costco for me this morning, and then is helping me with some of the bigger cleaning projects I've been unable to tackle! By helping me, I mean she's doing it while I sit and force myself to rest and not feel guilty haha! At least she understands how I'm feeling given that we have the same brain. Oh she also came to IKEA with me and the kids this week and then helped me get them to bed. COVID has been extra hard for this sort of thing, but with the impending baby and my need for extra help, they've rejoined our bubble and I'm so so so grateful! 

Not an IG influencer's fridge, but everything is so nice and clean! And there's no expired things hiding in scary places haha. Thank you, Mom! I will repay the favour one day!

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