Tuesday 16 March 2021


  • Okay the size comparison this week made me laugh. Soooo arbitrary! However, baby is around 5.25 lb and 18ish inches tall. I have a feeling it's a taller one though! These legs are long! Baby is stretching out all the time and the legs stick out so far... Wild!
  • We met our doula this week! We had a Zoom meeting with her (Jackie) on Tuesday evening. I was a little nervous I wouldn't know what to talk about or how to answer her questions as that was my experience first time around with a doula. I quickly realized I have a whole lot more to talk about after already having gone through labour and delivery twice before haha. So her name is Jackie, and this is her website: http://blessingsandbirths.com/. She clearly has a huge heart for serving, helping and nurturing others. Here's a sort of summary of the things I noted during the meeting:
    • She totally validated my concerns about having a quick labour. I found the midwife last week sort of dismissed my concerns, but I now put together that the midwife isn't so focused on how you get to delivery, they're more focused on delivering your baby. A doula is the opposite. They're there the whole journey, so Jackie's probably been fully present for more labours than some midwives! 
    • She gave me some rules and stern reminders (I need this). I have been ignoring Dave's pleas to slow down, etc. but when it comes from a respected professional, I'm much more likely to take it seriously. Essentially my rules are... rest a lot the next two weeks to get to 37 weeks, drink about 3x as much water as I usually do every day, and don't piss around with contractions. 
    • From going to the hospital to delivery with Emilia was less 2.5 hours. I don't have the luxury of time this time around to bum around the house humming and hawing about whether or not I'm actually in labour. I have to be very aware that I have a high pain tolerance for early labour, and that active labour progresses quickly for me, and that I have a 20-30 minute drive to the hospital. Don't be stubborn. I'm not allowed to be stubborn this time. 
    • I've been having more braxton hicks contractions lately, which hasn't concerned me at all. They're normal and necessary for "prepping your uterus" for labour. What I DIDN'T realize, is that if I'm not careful this time around they could "easily" turn into actual labour. I need to take them as a sign to rest as opposed to a sign to keep going and get that uterus primed. Jackie described them as a key in an ignition turning to try to turn on a car. The BH contractions are just the car sputtering as it tries to start. Real labour is when these practice contractions cause the engine to turn over and it all starts for real. I guess because of my history and that I'm on my third delivery, the "turning over" could be a lot easier than the other to. I need to be prepared for an early labour and a fast labour. Okay! After 37 weeks I can do what I please with the BH contractions. If I am determined to get this thing out of me then go to town with cleaning the kitchen and being more active. For now... stop everything and rest. (So much easier said than done for me). 
    • If my water breaks, call immediately. If I start getting consistent contractions, call immediately. No waiting until they're "painful enough" because my definition of that is too late haha. 
    • She's now aware that this may be a very easy job for her, and she's looking forward to it! Haha. I'm aware that we may not really NEED her support if things go smoothly and quickly, but I'm really grateful to have her to hold me accountable right now, and to be there should anything NOT go according to "plan". I'm much more likely to listen to her than Dave, it's just a fact. 
    • She is also excited that we don't know what we're having. Apparently around 90% of her clients lately know the fetal sex going into labour. 
  • I don't feel like I get swollen in my limbs, but if I've been wearing socks and walking around at all or just doing life, when I take them off I get the crazy indents on my legs! Haha not like they're tight socks or anything!

    Delicious lol.

  • I am bursting out of all my clothes haha. I have to start getting creative! Still a few weeks to go most likely

    Probably doesn't help that I was wearing... 4 layers, but I kept getting a draft up my jacket because nothing I was wearing actually covers the underside of my belly haha. 

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