Tuesday 23 March 2021

36 Weeks (TICKLE ME ELMO) - 3.0: Mar 16-22

  • I look tired haha. I am tired. (This photo was taken when I turned 36 weeks). By the time 36 weeks had ended, I seem to have had a bit of an energy burst. I have a new nephew/niece, and another one is expected literally any day. I think this triggered my nesting, and we spent all weekend prepping to have this baby. I don't feel as worn down. Maybe that's because instead of parenting I spent more time organizing, tidying, cleaning, and feeling productive. The things that should make me tired actually energize me more. The things that drain me most are: problem solving for children, making snacks and meals ALL DAY LONG, the constant noise that comes with children, but the fear to sit down when they're playing nicely because then they're immediately on my lap demanding books be read, constant talking/responding. It's the most fulfilling thing I'll ever do, but also whew... this introvert just needs a break sometimes!! 
  • I had a midwife appointment this week at 36W+1D. My last one with Nargess *cry face* since she has a family emergency to attend to and will be away for all of April. I should be able to see her with my baby for an appointment or two though, and she's very excited! 
    • Weight: 145lb (+26lb), but up 4lb from my last appointment which is a lot for me. Proof that I'm not exercising, eating for two, and having some swelling I suppose haha. I gained a lot the last couple weeks with Dom too. Probably for some of the same reasons. 
    • Blood Pressure: 80/60. This is the lowest it's been at any appointment so far. Not sure what that's about... I was well hydrated and had eaten lots that morning already. 
    • Fundus height: 36 cm. Right on track
    • Baby HR: 146 BPM. 
    • We talked lots about prepping for labour and what I can do. She suggested starting to eat dates, and drinking the labour prep tea to ripen my cervix. The doula isn't sure I need to do much to ripen it and I mostly agree haha. What it would do is potentially induce labour and make the first stage of early labour quicker. 
    • The other thing(s) I can do are exercises to get/keep baby into position. Squatting, semi-squats, hands and knees, cat-cow, etc. 
    • Nargess used a portable ultrasound machine to confirm baby's position. I didn't get to see anything, but baby is head down, back is along my left, and that's all good news! Baby's head is awkwardly crammed into my left hip which absolutely checks out. I can feel it jammed in there - can't be comfortable! Most likely baby will continue to move/shift until I'm well into labour because I'm a third time mom and there's just more space down there because the muscles are weaker. 
    • The plan right now is to go get a chiropractic adjustment just before my 38 week appointment, and they'll check baby's position again. If all looks good then I may get a sweep around 39 weeks if I'm super uncomfortable. Otherwise I'll wait until 40 weeks. 
    • If I go into labour before my next appointment I have to get to the hospital quicker so they can confirm baby's position before labour progresses too far. 
    • She asked if I struggled with breastfeeding at all and I mentioned that with both I had supply issues early on, and the persisted with Emilia. I told Nargess I have the Rumina Milk Aplenty breastfeeding tincture, so I'll start taking that right away, and then the day after baby I can use a pump to hopefully stimulate my milk production. Who knows, maybe I'll have a super good nurser and won't have to worry about it, but I am prepared this time around! I was NOT prepared with Dom.
  • I am so excited for Adam & Aly and Scott & Ashleigh to enter this stage of life. I think I freaked them out a little when I got excited on a Zoom call the other day and talked about how much they don't realize their lives are going to change in an instant. One of them has had their baby and now understands what I was trying to say haha. It's impossible to explain until you're living it. It's been such a long time since we've had a newborn, I'll definitely be going to them with questions and all that fun newborn stuff! I just hope that they feel like they can come to me to vent, ask questions, hear my personal experience or what I've heard from friends, and feel understood. It's crazy, and it's hard, and it's tiring/stressful, and there's a lot of unsureness, but it's amazing and fulfilling too. 
  • TMI - my boobs are feeling fuller and producing more colostrum. I haven't tried the pump at all, but maybe this week I'll make sure I still have all the parts and see if it's working properly and give it a quick go. *I just have a Medela manual single pump at home, but may borrow an electric pump if that's something I need to do after baby*. 
  • At the end of the week I started doing some of the exercises (rolling hips on exercise ball, cat cow, walking, etc.) that are recommended for baby's positioning. The FIRST day that I try these exercises, baby moves out of the optimal positioning it was in and switches over to my right side. Really?! He/she has been along my left for over a month, and NOW switches sides? Haha. Still lots of time to switch back and I'm not nervous about it, but it is funny. 
  • At the end of the week I also walked the dog for the first time in a long time. No longer being nervous about preterm labour (before 37 weeks), I am ready to get back at em! We walked about 3km or so, and the next day I went for a walk as well. Come on spring weather, get me outside! After this walk my feet swelled up a bit. Probably nobody would notice except for me because my swollen feet still look boney haha. 
  • Our neighbours are also expecting, and are due on April 4th. It's their first, and the poor girl has been sick every day the entire pregnancy. She's also a softball player and worked out a lot before getting pregnant, so is very fit. Therefore, she has almost no belly, which means this baby is just all infringing on her organ space. She's super uncomfortable and is ready to get this thing out! We've talked a lot more with our neighbours since COVID started, and we look forward to pulling out the firepit this summer and sitting around it in the complex with some of them! Our unit is a good spot for it. 

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