Thursday 29 August 2019

Thankful Thursday - 195

This week I am thankful for...

1. Playdate with Jaia and Janine. The kids and I went out to Janine's parents' place where she is staying the other day for a morning play date. Naturally the kids finally started really playing and talking about 20 minutes before we had to leave, but we had fun anyway! 

Pictures taken almost exactly 2 years apart. In the latest one we have Dom taking Jaia to Tot Romp and to see the animals at the petting zoo! Such little hams these two. Born two days apart; Dec 25 and 27, 2016

2. Successful camping trip. If you know me, you know I'm not typically very into camping. I'm definitely a fair weather camper if at all. We braved it last weekend and had a great time on our first over-nighter!

3. Scott & Ashleigh living close by! Now they're married and living together in a basement suite a 10-15 minute WALK from our house! That means they can hypothetically come over one Saturday evening and play games with us and drink Moscow Mules and drink a bottle of wine together without having to worry about who's driving home!

Before the evening festivities we went to Spirit Halloween with all of us. Dom was less than thrilled with the whole place except for the Paw Patrol section haha!

4. My family is safe. My uncle, aunt, and three cousins were on a fishing trip up near Bella Coola with their friend and sea captain, Jeff. The waters got rough and the ship started taking on water. They were forced to abandon ship, and thankfully the five of them were wearing life jackets. Tragically, the captain didn't get a life jacket on in time as he was putting out mayday calls. My family made it to shore and were picked up by a ferry, but Jeff did not make it and SAR are currently out on a recovery mission for him. 
This tragedy is beyond something I can comprehend. We've been constantly thinking about and praying for all involved, and the family of Jeff. 

5. Lettering again. I know everyone is probably sick of hearing about this, but whatever! This is my life! Haha. I once again have had an outpouring of support for my lettering, which is my hobby that I fill my free time with now. I have reached 400 followers! Just two weeks before, I hit 200. I'm humbled and isnspired by the talent I see on instagram; it's incredible. 

Inspired by Saturday morning's breakfast at Mom & Dad's

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