Thursday 1 August 2019

Thankful Thursday - 191

This week I am thankful for all the things that happened... That's how I update the blog with my life and be grateful at the same time. Cheating :)

1. Wine Tasting. My parents decided they wanted to have a wine tasting party with our family, so we hosted it this past Sunday evening. Karen & Darcy joined us and we went through 6 Pinot Noirs and compared our preferences. Lots of delicious wine and charcuterie! 

One wine from the island missing from this line up

Pretty sure Adam was born with this skeptical look

Ugh. I am loving our white walls!

For once in our lives, a candid photo of Jeff!

2. Camping. I took the kids and drove up to Cultus on Tuesday morning to join David's mom and sister, Rachel as they were camping! Dave was supposed to come, but wasn't feeling up to it in the morning, so I made the decision to stick it out and go anyway. It was an exhausting day, but I am very grateful for the help and that it was a 1:1 adult to kid ratio! Over all the day was a success! There were some challenges, but the good moments outweighed them! 

My parents got Emilia this little outfit for Christmas and it was finally the perfect temperature to wear it. So cute! 

Sitting in the dirt, putting ladder ball balls on a log

Gramma and Dom taking a walk to the garbage bin

Weelia not far behind


Making a river on the slope

Gramma and Dom off throwing rocks in the creek

Brief 10 minute window to relax while Emilia napped in the trailer (Oh my gosh, she's such a good sleeper. I do not take it for granted!) and Dom was throwing rocks with Gramma.

I brought this table from home and it was definitely one of my more genius "unnecessary" packed items

We skipped Dom's nap, so he was feeling a little extra sensitive. Mommy snuggles while Emilia napped to the rescue!

I woke Emilia up at 2 and we all packed up and went down to the beach. There was this little pool blocked off by this log and it was a shallow warm bit of water, perfect for these babies!

Notice Emilia sitting on a towel. She's too much of a diva to sit on the rocks apparently *rolls eyes*. Meanwhile Rebecca is all in the muck getting dirty and having fun haha!

Dom was great. Not at all nervous about the water and plunked himself down to drive his cars on the bottom of the pool.

3. Birkenstocks! I made an impulse purchase at Costco this week. I have been wanting a pair of Birkenstocks for a while, but refused to spend $100+ on a pair of sandals. I saw a mob of women at Costco, and went to see what all the fuss was about. Birkenstocks for $59.99. I was convinced. At least I knew if I didn't like them or they weren't worth the money Costco would refund me with no hassle. So far they're good! They take 2-3 weeks to "break in" so I'm giving them that chance before I make my official judgment. 

4. Tot Romp! Tot romp came back for one day for Ben's 4th birthday party. I had to wake Dom up early from his nap to go and he was super upset that I woke him. I said, "I have a surprise for you... do you want to go to tot romp?" He shot out of bed so fast! He asks weekly to go to tot romp. 

Finally got my baby Bella snuggles because my possessive daughter wasn't there!

Eli also got his snuggles in :)

5. Handsome boy. The wedding is coming up next Saturday already. We're in wedding month! I gave Dom a haircut this week to freshen him up a bit. It's not the best as I'm not a hairdresser, I don't have the right tools, and he's a squirmy toddler, but it's definitely better than it was!



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