Monday 2 September 2019

Lately - Farms, Firetrucks and Fun!

Blogging has fallen to the wayside for me lately and I don't like it! I don't know if I just have a new creative outlet with my lettering, or if I don't have the time to sit down and write (this is definitely true), or if I am just not doing anything overly interesting (also mostly true haha!). I also spent 11 hours from Thursday to Saturday doing some online data entry for Surrey Christian; so that sort of occupied ALL my spare time until it was done!

Alas, some regular life comin' at ya!

On Thursday Ashleigh asked if it would be okay if she picked up the kids and took them to Rondriso farms and to a playground for a couple hours. Um... is that okay? The answer is always yes! Haha! Dave and I took that time to sneak out to Cactus Club for a Happy Hour drink and snack with a gift card, and then did a little shopping before coming home to make dinner. What a welcome break from the daily grind that was!

Thank you Aunty Ashleigh for playing with the kids and giving us a break!

Friday morning we got another invite from Ashleigh to join her on a trip to Talize. She and I brought the kids and wandered most of the store. I got a few pairs of shoes for the kids and I, a little caddy for organizing my lettering stuff, and Dom picked out this super awesome (and noisy) firetruck! He loves it so much; how can you say no to that when it's only $5.99 and Ashleigh gives you her $5 off coupon?!

We went to my parents' place for dinner and made a little trip to the park before heading home. I hardly have any photos of Opa with the littles, so I took this opportunity! 

Look Mom, Opa's holding Emilia and she's SMILING!! Hahaha

Saturday I cooked a top sirloin roast I got on sale this week at Independent. It was a $20 roast I got for $7.32!! (For the record, I was excited and tried to CAPS the price... numbers don't have capitals haha!). It was delicious! Mom and Dad joined us, too because... well we don't need a whole roast for 2-3 of us (the kids hardly eat red meat like that). Emilia woke up from her nap with a really puffy eye, runny nose and cranky disposition. By Sunday morning it had cleared up, but apparently something was irritating her! Poor thing. 

Sunday morning I was playing bass (yes... again... at least we were still on one service. Next week we go to two services again), and then came home to relax while the kids napped. For dinner we went to the 25th (or so) annual "Back to School BBQ" at the Dinney's, although nobody was going back to school... Oh well. The tradition lives on. About 7(?) families get together and play games, eat food and drink drinks on this weekend every year. We've gone I think every year since we've been together; so 12 years (well 12 on September 28!). 

Pigtails <3

You know it's a good BBQ when...

Dom was a little nervous, but mostly excited that he got to see a real firetruck! They even ran the sirens for him and he talked the whole way home about how it was just like his yellow firetruck, but it was red. And it had loud "wee-oos". 
This was his second positive emergency vehicle experience of that day. Earlier we were walking the dog and came across a police SUV. We turned Dom around to see it, and Dom actually waved to the policeman. WHAT?! The officer turned on the lights for Dom as he drove away. 
Dom is NOT trusting of people he doesn't know, so we are working hard to get him comfortable with trusting policemen, etc. Just in case he ever needs to. He's never randomly waved at a stranger before, so we were pleased haha.

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