Wednesday 28 August 2019

Camping at Cultus

We did it! We did our first overnight camping trip with the kids! David's mom is up at Cultus this week, so we went up and joined on Sunday afternoon until Monday after dinner. We got there and quickly ate some dinner before Larry, Rachel and Rebecca headed home. We puttered around the campsite while the kids played, went for a couple walks, and warmed Dom up to the idea of sleeping in the trailer. At around 730 or 745 Emilia was toast and so ready for bed. The sleeping arrangements were totally out of the norm. They have never shared a room, let alone with each other. There is a small room at the back of the trailer with some bunk beds, and a space under one just big enough for the play pen. We hung a sheet over the playpen to ideally separate them a bit, and Dom slept on a bottom bunk with a bed rail. 

It took Dom a solid hour to an hour and a half to finally fall asleep. Before that he was talking and playing and calling to Emilia, "Missyyyyyy, Missyyyyyy!" He kept her up for a while, and we could hear them giggling and her saying, "Hi!!! Hi!!" We had the sound machine on and the three of us were outside enjoying the fire, some s'mores and a few drinks, so we just left it. Eventually they both fell asleep and slept until 715 the next morning! Love good sleepers!! Dave and I slept in a tent outside, and actually slept a lot better than I expected. It took me a long time to fall asleep, with all the noises, or non noise... I normally sleep with a fan on. But we both slept til we heard the kids waking up, which is 1-2 hours later than we're normally up (yes, we get up VERY early most days just to get things done for ourselves). A win, I'd say!

Monday we basically hung around the campsite all day. The kids played, we snacked, hung out and then Emilia had a really good long nap. Dom had some quiet time in the trailer so us adults were actually able to sneak in a game of crib without interruptions. After he woke up, Gramma took him for a long walk down to the beach, and Dave and I actually got to nap for like 45 minutes! SCORE!! Definitely didn't expect a decent night sleep AND a good nap! The nap may have been induced by the wine and Palm Bay I had with lunch, but whatever.

We made some pesto tortellini and cesar salad for dinner and then packed up to head home. The trip home was complete garbage. I thought the kids would sleep, but instead they just bickered, yelled, and scream-cried for the last 20 minutes. Oh well. At least we were well rested haha! 

Over all a great success and I'm really glad we decided to do it! Next year maybe we can try a couple nights! 

I took a couple pictures on my phone, but mostly Dave used his camera, so at least most of these pictures are good! :)

Appreciate Emilia's fashion statement. It was too cool for just jammies, but with them on her shoes wouldn't fit, so I put her jammies overtop some clothes and just tied her legs up in a knot. So cute.

Such a big boy

A chilly morning meant a morning fire!

Spent lots of time sitting on the log digging dirt into the cement and dump truck


I love that the tip of her ponytail got cut out of the frame. Her hair is so fine and long, I never know what to do with it!

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