Monday 4 February 2019

Lately - Play Dates, Me Time, Visits and Snow!

We've been a busy bunch over the end of last week and the weekend! 

Thursday we had Katrina come over with Henry, Sam and Audrey for a play date. Dominic wasn't so sure at first, standing back and watching apprehensively as Sam & Henry played with all his toys. Eventually I asked Dom to show them his kitchen and then all three of them ran over there and played tea. I'm pretty sure Henry was the boss, but that's what happens when you're the oldest! Last time Katrina was planning to come over they were in an accident on the freeway, so it's been far too long. 

Saturday morning we went to my parents house for a crepe breakfast. I neglected to take photos, but it was delicious and there were mimosas! Later that day I offered to take Sherlock to Tynehead, and I went all. by. myself. It was glorious!

David had his friend, Humraaz over for a quick visit to see the kids. Emilia is getting so much better at being with people that aren't me. (Hallelujah!)

That evening we popped in at my Opa & Oma's house. It's been a really long time since we've seen them, and we had a lovely little visit. Emilia had her first taste of Cheetos... She really went for it!

Sunday morning I went to church with Dom, and he was in such a weird mood. He sat with my dad and may have even fallen asleep on him. He sat there for probably about 20 minutes, but naturally when I got up to go pee he came to and realized I was gone which made him very sad. When I got back, I took him onto my lap and he snuggled so nicely for another 5-10 minutes. I don't know if he wasn't feeling well or was just being weird, but he was extraordinarily snuggly for him. All of a sudden he sat back and started hitting me. In the face... Sigh. I picked him up and walked out of the sanctuary. Some friends afterwards commented on how he was sucker punching me and how it was cute. Haha I guess you can look at it that way! He doesn't do it often, but I guess he was just restless and anxious and couldn't process those emotions. He was fine once we got out of there. Weirdo... 

We came home, had some naps and then played in the snow!!! Dominic was not having any of it at first, so I brought some snow in to him. Eventually we convinced him to put on snow pants, boots and a jacket. Mittens were a no go. He was stoked to go outside, but only lasted about 3 minutes before crying because his hands hurt. We came back inside and tried to explain to him that his hands won't hurt if he wears mittens. It didn't work, so we bribed him with cookies. I then took him out for a 15 minute walk around the complex and he had a blast. Emilia was sleeping this whole time, so she missed out, but that's okay. Another day she'll get to experience snow!

So adorable

Dave and Sherlock came out for a bit to play, too. Dave brought his camera, so the good photos are from him! Dom's body language in this picture cracks me up!

Ignore the snot, and appreciate how red and cold his cheeks are <3. So so cute. 

Dom has experienced snow before. When he was born we had a very snowy season, and last year we had one snow-fall, but he didn't really care for it. We went out for a couple minutes. I'd say this was his first real snow experience.

Last year

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