Sunday 24 February 2019

TheatreSports, Puppies and Adorable Baby Kisses!

Last Thursday Dominic, Aunty Sonya and I went to visit the Flinstones Oceantides Tollers litter one last time before they went off to their new homes. Nothing like some puppy therapy! The pups were just starting to wind down and get tired when we got there, so they were a good speed for Dom, who spent most of the time belly laughing and being adorably excited. 

Honestly a dream scenario. Sitting down and being mauled by puppies with my sweet little boy who is laughing hysterically.

Dom and this pup are equally interested in this play gym

Petting her so gently

Little wrestling match

This Friday evening we were able to go out and be grown ups! David's parents got all us kids tickets to Theatre Sports on Granville Island for Christmas, with the offer of baby-sitting for the 3 grand kids. SOLD!! We all piled into our minivan and drove down to Granville Island. We crammed around a 4 person table (we were 6 people) at the Granville Island Brewery and had some beer flights and some food. Dave and I are cheapies, so we ate before we went and just got a couple tacos. (We actually did order a flatbread as well, but there was a mix-up at the kitchen). 

Oh Gabriel. Everyone humored me nicely as I forced them to take pictures for the blog!

This was amusing. Reminds us of "No post on Sundays" from Harry Potter.

Then it was off to Theatre Sports, which if you've been, you know is always an amazing time. I laugh till my cheeks and stomach hurt every single time. I still think this would be the absolute perfect first date activity ever. 

Shelley commented that Dave looks like one of the Gerber boys in this picture. I was quick to point out that it's probably because they all have the same amount of forehead (fivehead?) haha!

Saturday we spent most of the day at home, trying to plan ways to get more business for Dave. To be honest, we've been feeling pretty discouraged and nervous about things. It always slows down in the winter, but never this much or for this long. Somehow we're still scraping by, but my maternity leave end date is rapidly approaching and it is crunch time. 
If anyone knows someone who needs photos or video...*nudge nudge*... real estate, renovations, architecture, interior design... You know where to go! 

Emilia found a new best friend

She moves quickly!

Doing a little workout with Daddy.

A game from David's childhood called Siege. It was pretty funny! You shoot little cannon balls at the other team to take out their guns and soldiers. Everything is spring-loaded (with elastic bands), so when you hit something, it SHOOTS away. 

On Sunday our church had its first week of two services, and we went AS A FAMILY at 9am! We haven't gone to church with all 4 of us on Sunday in many many months. Probably last summer. My mom had both kids in the nursery, and I actually got to listen to a sermon. It was lovely! 
Dom also FINALLY let me cut his hair!!

Don't mind how unimpressed he looks haha. I had to bribe him with a cookie and Paw Patrol just to get him to sit still and let me cut his hair!

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