Friday 15 February 2019

In the Spirit of Valentines Week...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. David and I never really celebrate it. Maybe we will in the future more, but we don't do gifts or anything; just maybe make it a date night at home. It was mostly a normal day, but we did some scratch and wins (and won!), and had some delicious M&M dip as a treat. I also took Dom out on a date yesterday morning to get a donut, which was VERY special for him!

The sloppiest kiss I received yesterday

Dave and I really need some more pictures together. All my pictures are of the kids, the dog, and occasionally a bad selfie.


I went to the Women's Breakfast at church last Saturday morning. There was a sheet on each table with "Love" and some hearts around it. A cup on each table contained some questions we were supposed to go around and ask everyone in the group, and write our answers on our sheet. 

I am terrible at thinking on the spot, and always come up with my answers in the middle of the night sometime that night, or on a walk with the dog, or somewhere very inconvenient when my mind decides to wander. 

So here are a couple of the new answers I came up with, for the questions I could remember, and maybe some I made up.

What is one thing you do to relax?
My ideal evening, would be having my chores all done, take a shower, grab my blankets, go sit on the couch and drink a bunch of wine. I would then catch up on the last 2 years of all the crap TV shows I have missed because of the little ones. Real Housewives (all of them), Teen Mom, Vanderpump Rules. Yup... crap!
I wouldn't want this every night, but I bet if I was to go away all by myself for one night this is exactly what it would look like. 

What is one thing you do to take care of yourself?
I take medication. Haha! But seriously, this is probably the best decision I could make for myself. On top of this, I really don't do much; not enough to take care of myself. I'm in desperate need of a massage and chiropractor appointment. My hair needs a cut and highlights. I don't take the much needed me time, or when I do I don't use it in the most refreshing way. I definitely need to work on self-care more. 

What is one thing that makes you happy?
My kids definitely make me laugh the most (sorry Dave). If I have to pick a non-person, I'll say animals. I have always had a love for animals, and if I'm at a house where they have a pet you can guarantee I'm hunting it down for some cuddles. If I had to pick a non-animal, I'm going to be honest and say wine. I love wine. I love wine tasting, I love wine drinking, I love wine pairing, I love wine shopping, I love wine glasses, I love wine talking. 

What movie genre do you love?
I like drama, action, comedy, documentary, sci-fi, etc. However, if I was going to sit down by myself with full control of the Netflix I'd watch - you guessed it - crap! I'd pick the dumbest romantic comedy I can find. I tend to dream about whatever I watch after I go to bed, so I like to watch things that are light, keep my brain calm, don't get my heart pumping. My brain works too hard the rest of the day to comprehend something like Interstellar before bed haha!

What is one thing you've purchased that you love?
I am not a frivolous person at all, so when I do decide to buy something, it is typically because I really love it, and it's practical. That being said, a few things immediately come to mind. First, I have this rain jacket I bought on a whim at Costco one time like 3 years ago. It was $60, and it looks like a black pea-coat, but it's rain coat material. I wear that jacket probably every day for 4-5 months out of the year. I love it!
Second, our minivan. So far it has been a great purchase for our family.
Third, and most expensive... our house. I am still so amazed and thankful that we were able to buy when we did, and that we went through with it. If we had waited a few more months we would have been pushed out of the market. The stars aligned for us somehow.

What is one place that you love?
The Cabin. I love the cabin. I grew up going there every summer, spending time with my cousins, and now get to take my own kids there to make their own memories. 

What is one book that you love? 
The book (series) that is definitely most read in our house is Harry Potter. Dave and I grew up with Harry Potter, literally turning 10 the same year the characters turned 10 (in the year that the movies came out anyway). I like to read, but it's hard to pick one book. There are lots of books I've enjoyed. 

What is your favorite season?
I have reasons to like all the seasons. 
Winter: It's cozy
Fall: The beautiful colors, hot chocolate, scarves, boots, vests!
Summer: It's so beautiful and happy and warm! Maybe sometimes too warm...
Spring: My favorite. Every day keeps getting longer, the flowers are blooming, the whole neighborhood smells amazing, the temperature increases, and late Spring often brings a heat wave that is just the perfect temperature!

There. Some random facts about me at this point in my life!

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