Monday 15 October 2018

Pumpkin Patch and Fall Days

I just cannot get over how gorgeous the weather has been, or the fact that the 14 day forecast shows 14 more days of this! Yesterday it got up to 17 degrees and we made the most of it! 

After Emilia's baptism, there was a client event for our realtors, Greg & Liz Holmes. Every year they have a pumpkin patch event at Hazelmere pumpkin patch. This was our third year straight. We invited Scott & Ashleigh along, as I know David wanted to get some more pumpkins than I could help carry, and we would appreciate the extra hands with the kids, and I guess we enjoy their company too.

Reverse order of the last 3 years at this event. Oh how our family has grown! Sorry Sherlock, you didn't make it in the last years. We only have so many hands :(

2018 Pumpkin Patch
Both the kids are staring at the hay ride as it goes by. Best shot we could get.

I am secretly pregnant with Emilia here

I am heavily pregnant with Dom here

There is a petting zoo there and Dom was SO excited about all the goats, sheep, ducks, chickens, and pigs. Also the tractor train hay ride thing. "TA TA!!!! CHOO CHOO!!!" 

Between Ashleigh and myself we got tons of beautiful photos. Realistically, that's the main reason I wanted to go. I don't actually care about the pumpkins. Here they are in no order whatsoever, because who really has time for that?!

Happy little Pumpkin Patcher

I knew we brought the stroller for a reason...

Dom had SO much fun. I haven't seen him run so much before. He ran and giggled the entire time. One of the best parts was when Scott & Ashleigh were chasing him through the corn maze. We were outside and could just hear these muffled giggles and screams from Dom as he ran around. Adorable.

Trudging through the corn like an old man

"Go Daddy?!" Whenever he can't find someone or something he does this and goes, "Go ____?" Go Puppy? Go Mommy? Go Yaya? Go Ball? Go Vroom? 

"Where'd it go?!"

I forced us to go on the hay ride. I Dom was great. He didn't exactly grasp what was happening, but he loved the tractor at the front. 

Snorting with the pigs

1 comment:

  1. Haha - secretly and heavily pregnant! There is something so special about aunts and uncles who don’t have their own kids ❤️
