Tuesday 9 October 2018

Emilia - 5 Months

I feel like she's been here forever, but she's so petite I still think she's a newborn. Nope, she's 5 months old!

Weight: 13 lb. 3.6oz (15th percentile) <-- pretty consistently 15th percentile the last few times I've weighed her
Height: 25.5 inches (60th percentile)

  • Sherlock. I think he just has a friendly face
  • Jumping around in the Jolly Jumper
  • Food. I can't believe she's already eating oatmeal, but she loooooves it. 
  • Bedtime routine: Jammies, song, Goodnight Moon and bottle.
  • Smiling. She smiles with her whole body and it just makes my day. I love that she is so free with her smiles most of the time.
  • Being tickled. Oh the giggles. I wish I could hear that sound all day every day. 
  • Her reflection. She will smile sooooo big if she sees herself in a mirror. Can't say I blame her!

  • Napping apparently. Where did my dream sleeper go? This has been a really rough few weeks for naps. I'm assuming it's just the  4 month sleep regression and we will be back on track with some sort of schedule soon. 

  • She is wearing 6 month clothing now, because the smaller sizes are too short. She's petite enough for them, but too long. 
  • She is still in size 2 diapers, and probably will be for a while. 
  • We had her 4 month immunizations and a check-up at 4.5 months, and we found she hadn't gained weight in 2 months (well she had actually gone up about 6 oz, because I realized her low weight a week and a half before and started supplementing and pumping and going crazy trying to get her to gain weight). She is perfectly healthy, but should be gaining more weight. The doctor said to keep supplementing with formula when needed, and to start oatmeal if Emilia is interested.
  • We tried oatmeal, and the first time was a fail. After that, she figured it out. She LOVES it, and I have no idea how much she would eat. I often cut her off after I feel she's had enough (1-1.5 TBSP usually). I feed her after breastfeeding, usually once per day for now. 
  • She tried peanut-butter for the first time. She didn't hate it, just didn't seem to care much. 
  • Everything. Goes. In. Her. Mouth.
  • She's started requiring a bit more attention and entertaining during the day. I used to just plop her in a chair and she'd be happy for an hour. Now she needs more frequent position changes, toy changes, face-time, etc. 
  • Oh! My hair loss has finally slowed down. Yay! Now bring on the baby-hairs *eye roll*
  • She rolls and squirms all over the place, often ending up with her head pressing up against the top of the crib. This doesn't help our napping situation. 
  • After her 4 month immunizations she started sleeping like crap. I don't know if there's a correlation or just the 4 month regression, but it's been really hard. She randomly started waking up again at 5/530 for another feed. I'm not complaining about that because she still sleeps through the night most of the time. 
  • It's the napping that is an issue. Naps are so frustrating for me. I know she's probably transitioning to needing longer wake-times, but it's hard to stretch a wake-time when she only sleeps for 30 minutes. I've been practicing crib-hour, but haven't had much success. She'll sometimes do one good nap per day, but I also often end up with 3-4 crap naps and an early bedtime (like 5:00pm). So hard to get out and do things! So hard to plan our day. 
  • One positive note is that Emilia now takes a bottle like a champ. I'd go so far as to say she prefers the bottle, but I'm not done breastfeeding yet. Not even close. This means that even though I can't predict her schedule during the day, I can still go out as long as there's pumped milk or formula for a bottle. Great to have that freedom!
  • She started getting really fussy during the last few feeds of the day. I think she's just frustrated that my supply is low, not willing to work for it, and probably hungry. I have completely cut out our bedtime feed. I now just do a bottle. That way I know she's getting a good amount of milk, and I don't have to fight with her. It's better for both of us. 
  • Her hands are so so soft. When I'm giving her a bottle she likes to play with my fingers and I am always amazed how soft and delicate her little hands are. 
  • Aside from all of these eating and napping struggles, she is still the happiest baby 90% of the time. We love her so much. She is so easy to smile, and a very content girl. She will literally go full days without crying, except for protesting naps. I am still in shock at how different her and Dom are/were at this age.

A Typical Day: 
Our days are so all over the place right now I can't even say what a typical day is. Her naps are anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours long. She is still up between 630 and 7. Her first wake-time is 1.5 hours, and the rest of the day is a mess. Her bedtime is somewhere between 5pm and 7pm. We aim for 3 naps per day, but occasionally end up with 4 if it's a really bad day. 

She never sits still. Always smiling and/or flailing around

Dom didn't want to be left out, "CHEEEEEEESE!"

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