Saturday 27 May 2017

Dominic - 5 Months Old

Can he stay this way forever? Dominic is 5 months old... that's almost 6 months, and that means my Maternity Leave is already almost half over! Nooo!!! I'm already stressed about returning to work full time in January. 

Weight: 16 lb. 11 oz. - 55th percentile
Length: 26.5" - 90th percentile

0-5 Months
I definitely don't realize how much he's grown until I see these pictures side by side each month. He's so big and strong!

  • His blankets. Whenever he is fussy or trying to sleep, he sucks his first two fingers on his right hand, and pulls a cloth/bib/blanket up to rub his left cheek. If he ever wakes in the middle of the night (which is rare now), first thing I do is check to see if he lost his blanket or his fingers are caught up in it and he can't suck them to soothe himself back to sleep!
  • His feet. He's recently started grabbing his toes, and seems very interested.
  • The Jolly Jumper
  • Putting anything and everything in his mouth
  • Sticking out his tongue and blowing raspberries
  • Dad. HUGE smiles for David lately. So fun now that he recognizes him.
  • Sherlock. Sherlock never fails to get a smile out of Dom. He will come sit beside Dom often and Dom will just reach out and have a hand on him while he's playing. I'm not exaggerating. It's adorable. 
  • Bedtime routine. Dom will often "sing" along with the lullaby before the story. It's mostly just him yelling out different tones, but it is pretty precious. 
  • Bath time! We had a patio bath the other day which was a fun change, and nice way to beat the heat!
  • Naked time. 
  • The reflux has returned (or isn't gone yet). I started tapering him off the Zantac to see how he'd do, and the he was progressively more fussy, and then by the time we got down to no Zantac he screamed for most of the day. :( Got the prescription refilled and we're back to happy baby!
  • Being alone. When I leave the room he notices and has started to protest. With the exception of his crib. He never cries in his crib unless something is really wrong. 
  • Sleeping through the night pretty consistently! He is in bed around 630-7 most nights, and then I do a dream feed around 10. After this I most often don't have to go back into his room until 6-7am! Sleep training is the best thing we ever did. He wakes up throughout the night, but is comfortable and able to put himself back to sleep. WIN!
  • Rolls very well stomach to back. Still can't go from his back to his stomach. He gets stuck on his side, which conveniently is where he likes to sleep most often. 
  • Refuses to take the soother at all. I don't even know where one is anymore...
  • Opens wide for kisses (from Sherlock too, which is kind of gross).
  • Seems to be ticklish :)
  • Wearing 6 and 9 month clothing. The 9 month clothes fit length-wise, but are too wide most of the time!
  • Went in the swings and down the slide (with me) at the park for the first time May 23! He was tired and it was super bright out, but he definitely smiled! 
  • He has started reaching "down there" when we take off his diaper. So it begins... Joys of having a boy! Haha
  • Has developed some red spots/dryness/irritated skin on his face. I eliminated dairy again, and have started applying cream. Hopefully something helps his poor little visage!
  • He can occasionally sit up for a little bit (40 seconds was our longest recorded) unassisted! If he falls over it's usually forward and he just gets stuck folded in half haha!
  • Teething like crazy! There is so much drool that comes out of this kid. We go through a new bib every hour or so that he's awake. Just soaked. So much laundry!
  • We just finally moved him into size 3 diapers. He's been ready for them for a while, but we wanted to use up some size 2's we had kicking around first!
  • Has started with full on giggles & belly laughs! Definitely the best sound in the world! <3
Picture time!!! Oldest to newest!

First time forward-facing in his Ergo

Part of the daily routine. Some tummy time on the patio!

What even is this face?! He's going to be a totally different person when he has hair and teeth haha!

Visiting Dad in the Hospital

Still doing the sink baths, and loving the Blooming Bath! Definitely out-growing our sink though... 

First time sitting up on his own!

Is it just me or does he have the most ridiculous cheeks ever. I don't even realize until I see him next to another baby with "normal" cheeks. 

Sherlock snuggles. Can't keep them apart!

So much drool!!! Teething machine!

Aforementioned patio bath! In a rubbermaid bucket haha. It was very slippery in there, so I had to keep one hand firmly planted to hold him in place. Naturally he ate the cloth.

First time in the swing! He enjoyed it, but was mostly too tired to care about anything haha. Just zoned out and stared with his cheeks weighing him down. 

Hello up there!

Pretty soon we will be in crocodile roll diaper change territory! Makes for easy wiping though!

He had his first shoulder ride from me, but Dad was in the bathroom and I was stuck as he had latched onto my hair grabbing and eating it... Definitely didn't think this one through! Haha. Here he is with Dad! Loving the new vantage point!

Not much cuter than babies on FaceTime! Look at Dom flirting with his friend Jaia <3

Sherlock jumped up here on his own accord... Forcing Dom to share the spotlight.

Encouraging D to sit up and not eat Benjamin's (bear's) foot.

Tried too hard to sit up... Man down!

Gone are the days where Dom would just sit back and relax. Always leaning forward. He's going to be on the go in no time!

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