Friday 27 October 2017

Dominic - 10 Months Old

10 Months old. Wow. My precious boy... You're much less baby, much more toddler lately. I was playing Rock-a-bye baby with you the other day and I couldn't believe how huge you got! When did this happen?! In 6 months you're going to be a big brother and I'll have another tiny human to snuggle <3.

If you zoom in or look really closely you can see my two little chompers!! I am such a happy boy!

Weight: 23.6 lb. (35th percentile) I feel like he is so chunky, but I guess just his head is massive! Haha. He doesn't have any crazy rolls, but he is definitely healthy! 
Height: 28.6 inches (50th percentile)

Looks like he's continuing the chunky trend this month. Even though he's crawling and constantly moving around. Love his big round cheeks and bald head!

  • Bath time. Still loves it, as he almost always has! It's a surefire way to cheer him up. Except he also really likes standing up in the bathtub lately, which we're much less fond of.
  • Sharing his food with us... and the dog. I'm sure it's just in hopes we will reciprocate, but the dog will just sit beside his high chair and wait, knowing Dom's little hand with meat or cheerios or veggies will come popping down.
  • Favorite foods: smoothies, cheese & crackers, meat of any kind, shepherd's pie, cheerios, berries, grapes, grilled cheese, PB&J sandwiches, yogurt, whatever we're eating, tuna, pouches (which he's had a ton of during my first trimester), applesauce, and many more things I can't think of right now!
  • Reading books, especially peek-a-boo books. He will sit and flip the pages on his books for a long time keeping himself busy. Close to bed time he starts getting fussy, so we grab a blanket and sit on the couch with a pile of books and he just flips through them rapid fire while cuddling the blankie. Super sweet moments. 
  • Getting his nails cut. I have to bite them most of the time, which is kind of gross, but whatever. They grow so fast and then he slices his face all the time! We often go out with battle scars on his face. 
  • Pasta. I have tried a number of times to get him to eat pasta because it's easy, cheap, and relatively nutritious. It's a no-go. He is literally offended by it. 
  • Diaper changes. He just hates being restricted to his back, even for 30 seconds. If it's close to bed or nap time he will snuggle his blanket or his bear during the diaper change which helps, but during play time it's really hard to wrangle him! He's rolling and flipping and crawling away constantly! Sometimes I give him my phone to chew on just to keep him in one spot for more than 5 seconds... 
  • Lots of changes this month! I feel like the developmental leap from 9 to 10 months was huge for Dom. 
  • Two days after Dom turned 9 months he started crawling, and hasn't stopped since! He is such a maniac. He will crawl all around the main floor, and speed up when he sees you coming to pull him away from somethign he shouldn't have. 
  • On October 5 Dom's first tooth popped through. He now has his two bottom teeth! Pretty cute little grin I think. 
  • Wearing all 12-18 month clothing.
  • He has very fine, light hair, but it's starting to come in!
  • He is going to be a big brother in 6 months! Yikes...
  • He is making lots of noises now. Da da, ma ma, nay nay, ba ba, boo, bmmooo (like a cow), and so many more. I am 90% sure they don't have meaning yet and it's just fun to make noise, but still pretty cute. 
  • He climbed the stairs for the first time on Oct 17, and had his first little stair tumble on Oct 23. I was on the landing packing up his exersaucer and before I know it he's on the steps behind me and then falls and splats on his face. Luckily it was only two steps, but how he got up there so quickly will never cease to amaze me. He's totally okay, but we now have a big piece of furniture blocking the staircase until we can get another proper gate. 
  • He thinks he's pretty hilarious. For example, when eating he will reach for his water, take a HUGE gulp, and then stare at you and smile as he lets it all fall out of his mouth. If I'm not watching him drink he will drink just fine, but he thinks it's so funny. I have to chuckle every time. Dave says I'm just encouraging him. 
  • Sometimes he will crawl over to the nook and pull out his old toys from when he was smaller. For example, the exersaucer I've now packed away. He wanted to play with it, but he's way too big! Pretty funny seeing him bounce around in it like a maniac though. 
  • He is noticing little details like a spot on the floor or a small hole in clothing. He picks away at it with his little pointer finger. Pretty cute. 
  • He's starting to wave good-bye which is SUPER precious. He did it once really well, with finger waving and everything. Now it's more of a salute than anything, but I still love it. 
  • We are completely done nursing now. It happened very smoothly and naturally, and I think I'm really ready to be done. I was hesitant for a while, but my body decided we're done! He drinks about 24-30oz of formula each day from his 4 bottles. 
  • We spent our first night away from Dominic this month. I don't think he even noticed. We have him on a good routine, and he's well sleep-trained so he still slept through the night. Whew!!! We should do this more often while we still can... 
Typical Daily Schedule:
630am - wake up
645am - bottle
730am - oatmeal
930am - Nap 1
1045am - wake up
1050am - bottle
1200pm - lunch
145pm - Nap 2
300pm - wake up
310pm - bottle
500pm - dinner
700pm - bed time


I hope he grows up and continues to love books this much. 

Yummmm... peanut butter sandwich.

Crawling can get you into some predicaments...

Dom seems to share his father's affinity for Natalie Portman. This page often has more time spent on it than the others. Oh Dom...

Giving himself kisses in the glass... So many smears all over it now.

We love the play pen! Only way to keep this beast contained. He is just happily reading his book. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't those two little teeth make him look so much older?! What a fun little dude. I love when the personality really starts to come out!!
