Friday 20 October 2017

First Trimester (2-10 Weeks!)

I can't believe I'm writing another one of these blogs already! Dave and I are so excited to be bringing another Baby-K into this world. I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to do my weekly posts this time around. It seems kind of silly to include all the developmental milestones of baby again, since I just did this for Dom. We will see what comes out when I start writing! I think I'll try find different size comparisons, as I wasn't a fan of the ones from the last pregnancy. How does a baby go from a cantaloupe to a green onion, and what even is a kumquat anyway?! 

Photo of the cuteness just so the picture people see on Facebook isn't a pee-stick Haha.

Here is what my first trimester has looked like so far!

2 Weeks (ovulation/conception):
  • My cycle hasn't returned after Dominic yet, and I'm still breast-feeding 3-4 times per day, but I start noticing some signs of ovulation. Sure enough, I pee on some ovulation sticks and the lines get darker and darker. Well... why not give this a good ole college try eh!
  • I am increasingly grateful for the body-awareness I learned when trying to get pregnant with Dom. It took us 18 months, but I learned more about my body than most people ever do, and I am able to notice the subtle changes and pinpoint my first ovulation since we got pregnant with Dom. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm super proud of that!
  • David and I don't really expect to get pregnant this cycle. We aren't even positive that I actually ovulated. 
3 Weeks (implantation):
  • Dom starts refusing to breastfeed, and my milk supply starts drying up. Remember in Dominic's 8 month post I was writing about this? Now we know why! My hormones were changing and decreasing my supply and changing the taste of my milk. 
  • I have some light cramping, but nothing to write home about. 
  • I notice some light spotting for a day and a half. I figure this is my period starting and I tell people (only the ones who care... not the whole world...) that I think my cycle is returning for the first time since Dom. 
  • I am feeling fatigued and a little emotional, but sleep deprivation does this to me too!
  • I am feeling bloated and gassy. 
  • I have a "gut" feeling that maybe this is actually happening, but I don't share that feeling with anyone, even David. My main tip-off is that the spotting only lasted a day and a half. I figure it was my period starting, but start wondering if maybe it was implantation bleeding... I never had that with Dom. 
  • First pregnancy 3-5 Weeks

First positive test... You can barely see the second line

A few days later... yup. No denying that one! :O
  • On a fateful Tuesday evening, August 29, 2017, we are packing to go to the cabin in a couple days. I'm upstairs packing toiletries and come across my pregnancy tests. I think to myself, "Ahh... I should probably take a test just in case since we're going to the cabin and plan on drinking lots!" I pee on the stick and continue packing. I come back to it and notice a VERY faint line. So faint I'm sure I'm imagining it. I quickly send a picture to Amy to see if she sees what I see. Yup... it's there! I cannot believe it. How is this even possible?! I mean I know how it happened, but this is amazing! It took us 18 months for Dominic... this is a shock!
    David is downstairs with Scott, so I have to pretend everything is normal. Eventually Scott leaves and I try to come up with some clever way to tell David the news. The best I could come up with at the time (since he and Scott had just finished working out), was to pour a big bowl of chips and set them in front of him. I say, "Here. Eat some chips." He politely declines, and I say, "No really, you should eat some." He asks why? I say, "Well... if I'm getting fat, SO ARE YOU!" It took him a second, but the look on his face afterwards was priceless. We are in shock.
    I have to be honest, our first reaction was excitement, which quickly turned into, "Oh my... what have we done..."
    We go to the cabin as expected, and nobody seems to notice or care that I'm declining drinks, or walking around with the same glass of wine for 6 hours. Whew! That's a relief! I was excited to have one last trip to the cabin without anyone knowing. One more "normal" trip. It was fun having a little secret between the two of us.
    Over the next few days/weeks our excitement grows. We slowly start sharing the news with family and some close friends. Some people think we're crazy, but most seem even more thrilled than we are! (Just because they won't have two babies under 16 months old I guess!)
  • Okay on to the symptoms around this time... I am exhausted. Beyond just regular tiredness from having an 8 month old to care for. 
  • I start getting acne. I forgot about this part of the hormonal changes with pregnancy. 
  • I am bloating and have light, sporadic cramping.
  • I find myself (particularly at the cabin) treasuring the little moments with Dom that much more. I know now that our time with just him are limited, and I want to cherish every little thing about it. 
  • Oh the fatigue!! I am so exhausted I can hardly get off the couch! 
  • I get some headaches, but think I can't take Tylenol, so I suffer through. Turns out I was wrong... I CAN take Tylenol. 
  • Random, sharp cramping that lasts anywhere from 3-10 seconds. I remember this from my first pregnancy, so I'm not alarmed by it. Just the little bean burrowing in there I guess!
  • Frequent urination. It is much worse this time around. That increased blood volume is definitely taking an effect!
  • Reading up on some pregnancy rules again. It is so easy to forget. I find it funny how I was on the internet every day looking things up the first time. This time around it's probably once every couple weeks, if that.
  • Nausea and queasiness begins. No vomiting, but it feels much worse than my first pregnancy. I can't tell whether this is because I'm home making nasty purees half the day, or if it's actually worse.  
  • Acne. I feel like a teenager again!
  • Dry heaving at dirty dishes and food and smells. I carry a scentsy dryer bar around in my pocket and shove it under my nose when I have to go in the kitchen or think something smells bad. This bloodhound nose may be the death of me. 
  • I start getting out of breath already on our regular morning walk and at dog agility. Whew! I feel out of shape!
  • Dom has been waking up at 5 every day which as just been adding to my exhaustion. I have to nap throughout the day. Good thing David has been SUCH a champ, helping me out. 
  • I am not sleeping well at night either. I am restless and up to pee already 2-3x per night. I feel like I'm checking the time every half hour. 
  • Still having the sporadic light cramping. 
  • First Pregnancy 6 Weeks
  • Feeling a little less nauseous this week. Hooray! Maybe that's the end of it!
  • Exhausted. Dom was really sick this week with his first chest cold, and we have not been having restful nights or days. Just BEAT!
  • I am craving fruit like apples and oranges. This is the same with Dom around this time. Nothing weird, but always good to have some fruit on hand!
  • We had our first midwife appointment this week. It was fun and weird to be back there again. I feel like we JUST did this! Even the midwife asked, "So... this was on purpose?" Haha. I mean we weren't NOT trying! We were definitely hoping, but didn't expect it to happen so fast this time. We're very grateful and happy!
    • My weight: 119.5lb (less than my starting weight with Dom! Amazing what breastfeeding will do!)
    • Dominic weight 21lb, and the midwife absolutely loved him. She couldn't get over how easy-going he was, and how round his cheeks are. 
    • Because there was no way to guarantee how far along I am, Nargiss tried to find the heartbeat on the doppler. No such luck. That's good, because I am 99% sure I'm 7 weeks, and you can't hear it that early!
  • First Pregnancy 7 Weeks
8 Weeks (2X2 LEGO BRICK):
  • I start noticing my bellybutton getting shallow already. I'm pretty sure this happened at like 16 or 17 weeks last time. Yeesh!
  • Morning sickness? Oh no... ALL DAY SICKNESS! I had some time off from it last week, but it's back with a vengeance. I hate it. I am so unproductive and I am just a lump on the couch. I can't even walk into the kitchen or feed Dom without heaving. I have no problems eating, but cooking, cleaning, prepping, being around food is enough to send me gagging. Still no actual vomiting, but sometimes I wonder if that would make me feel better. 
  • Still up 2-3 times every night to pee. 
  • First Pregnancy 8 Weeks
9 Weeks (PECAN):

We took these photos with my phone just to see if it would work, since it's much easier than the camera, but I don't like them as much. from now on we will use the camera for our photo shoots :)

Oh that post-partum hair...It is horrible! So many baby hair fly-aways and horns!
  • Realize we haven't taken any belly photos yet! I think my "belly" before this point was existent, but I didn't think it should be. No sense documenting my leftovers from Dom!
  • My poor face has so much acne on it. I try to take good care of my skin, and stop wearing makeup most of the time. Oh well... maybe by second trimester it will get better. 
  • I feel so much better this week. My energy is back in a big way. I wake up one day and get into nesting mode (this early?!) and decide to repaint our master ensuite. 
  • Much less nauseous this week as well. YAY!
  • On October 6 I woke up with a strange red itchy rash all over my body. I assume it is hives, but I've never had an allergic reaction to anything before, and didn't have anything new. No new food, detergent, clothes, lotions, soaps... nothing! I call the midwife pager and Ina(?) was SO helpful. She took me seriously, but recommended I try some Benadryl, and if that doesn't work to go to the doctor. It took two days for the rash to fully clear, but I hope it doesn't happen again! Pretty uncomfortable. 
  • We find out this week that there isn't a space for us in the Daycare I've been on the waitlist for since May 2016... That was our fall-back plan...NOW WHAT?! Cue panic.
  • I think I feel my first flutter this week. Hard to say as it could be (and maybe most likely is) gas, but it feels different. I have phantom flutters and kicks all the time though. Feels a little early for that, but I can't wait!
  • At the very end of 9 weeks we had our dating ultrasound at the Guildford imaging clinic. The night before I got almost no sleep because I all of a sudden realized that I was the only person who "knew" I was pregnant. The midwives never confirmed it, they just trusted me. Nobody asked to see my tests, they just believed me. I suddenly freaked out thinking I was just making it all up in my head. Totally irrational!
    Needless to say, when the tech started the ultrasound, I got to see the little bean right away! Whew! Relief! She showed us the heart, face, hands, legs, everything!
    She asked how far along I was, and I said I was GUESSING almost 10 weeks, but I wasn't 100% positive because I didn't have my cycle return. She just said, "Wow... good guess! I'm getting 9 weeks, 6 days!" Nice... I love that! That is exactly what I would have guessed. That puts my estimated due date at May 9, 2018.
    • 9W6D (as of October 10, 2017)
    • Placenta appears to be on the back wall of my uterus. With Dom it was up front. This means I'll probably be able to feel baby sooner. Maybe that flutter earlier this week was real? 
    • Baby HR: 153BPM, and measured at roughly 1.26 inches! 
  • First Pregnancy 9 Weeks
10 Weeks (LEGO MAN):

  • Again with the nausea... It's like 1 week on, 1 week off or something!
  • I told the managers at work since our vacation selections are due soon. They have granted me vacation 1 day per week while I'm back to care for Dom. That helps! I still have lots of vacation to use though, and I plan to start maternity leave again when I'm 36 weeks pregnant! Wow! I can't believe I'm going back for such a short time. This timing could not be more perfect. It is exactly what our "dream plan" was. 
  • How am I already halfway to finding out the gender? This is going too fast... Time flies when you're chasing a 9 month old around! 
  • I am totally showing now. I have to wear big sweaters and jackets or else my belly looks like more than just leftover Thanksgiving dinner. .
  • Dave and I have our first night away since Dom was born; first night away since our Baby-Moon in Whistler last October! So nice to have some freedom. 
  • First Pregnancy 10 Weeks

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