Thursday 26 October 2017

Thankful Thursday - 106

This week I'm grateful for...

1. I'm starting to feel a bit more lively. I am able to go through my day with one short nap, if that. I can help out more around the house again, and hopefully can start getting things back in order! I got out for a nice long walk on the sunny days this week. Today it was a trip to Starbucks to treat myself! 

I felt like a total boss with my Starbucks, stroller, happy baby and dog. That is... until I tried crossing the street and my coffee spilled all over my hand and dribbled all down my chin in front of the busy traffic. There's the real Renee! 

2. I think we've mostly figured out Daycare!! I'll post for real when all the details are hammered out, but we're super excited about the potential opportunity. Still looking to fill the Fridays though, unless David uses his day off towards that :). This is such an incredible weight off my shoulders.

3. The ham-bone. Dominic is developing such a personality. He loves to be "chased" when he's crawling somewhere he knows he shouldn't be (like towards the dog's food and water bowl). He LOVES to make noise by smashing his hands or objects on other objects. I'll post more about him tomorrow when he's 10 months old (insert ugly cry face). 

This boy is so vain. Kissing his reflection in the fireplace glass. (It's an electric fireplace, so the actual glass never gets hot)

Side note:
David and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary on November 10! Our original plan was to try go away (like Mexico or something), but then I got pregnant, and who has money for that anyway! We also just had a night away from Dom, so not sure we need to do that (although it would be awesome... just expensive). 
Does anyone have any suggestions for fun, affordable things to do? Pretty open to suggestions! 

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