Thursday 19 October 2017

Super Thankful Thursday - 105 (Kimber Surprise 2.0)

David and I are elated to share our big news with you! 
In May 2018, we are expecting a second little bundle of joy. 

This came as a bit of a shock to us. I mean... we weren't NOT trying, but if you recall, it took us 18 months of stress, depression and heartache to get pregnant with Dominic. We were hoping to have babies close together, but this is just too good to be true! I refused to get my hopes up. I had a "dream-plan" that involved getting pregnant when Dom was around 8 months old, going back to work for 600 hours and taking another maternity leave. I never in a million years thought it would actually happen! (Or even earlier... closer to 7 months old.) We fully expected it to take some time, and we were mentally prepared for that. 

This still feels surreal to us, but we had an ultrasound last week to confirm the pregnancy and get our due date, and today we got to hear the heartbeat at our Midwife appointment. I am 11 Weeks and 2 days along. Our estimated due date is May 8, 2018. That sounds like a good time to have a baby eh?! Lots of friends and family with May birthdays; some even with the due date as their birthday ;). 

I'm excited. We're excited. However, we're also terrified. We haven't even gotten used to this one baby! Years down the road we will look back on these next hectic years fondly I'm sure. We're just barely getting into the thick of it. 

What does this mean for work and daycare?
My maternity leave is up mid-December, and I have vacation until the end of the year. In order for me to get 600 hours and qualify for maternity leave again, I'll have to work until April 11. Best part? Vacation and sick (or medical appointment) time is included in these hours. I have almost 5 weeks worth of vacation to use next year before I go off. 

I plan to go back the second week of January, and work until the end of March, with one day off per week. David will also take one day off per week, and we are currently looking for a daycare for the other 3 days. ANYONE HAVE ANY LEADS?! The daycare I thought we were a shoe-in for cannot guarantee us a spot in January. This is the one beside my work that I've been on the wait-list for since May 2016... How is anyone supposed to find daycare when a 1.5 year wait-list isn't enough?!
We are talking to a lady who runs an in-home daycare in Clayton Heights, but if anyone knows someone personally who might have some availability for an adorable 1-year-old 2-3 days per week from Jan thru March let me know!

A couple other shots from our announcement photo shoot! (Thank you to Scott & Courtney for helping us make that happen!)

I liked how this photo turned out, but I wanted to do my best to include Sherlock as well. Not that he cares, but he's been such a huge part of our lives! I was reading through old blog posts the other day (from before pregnancy and babies), and he really was the star of the show!


  1. Congratulations! So happy that your timeline is coming together how you have always dreamed.

  2. Congrat's to all of you. Good luck with suitable day cares, I hear they are few and far between.
