Friday 22 July 2016

Wedding Fun!

July 16, 2016 is the day Christine & Taylor got married. Christine is David's cousin on his dad's side. Her and Taylor have been together for just over three and a half years and they got married on a perfect day last weekend. 

Their ceremony and reception were held at David's Uncle John & Aunty Janis' house/property in Abbotsford. What a perfect venue. Janis & John have the most amazing house, with acres of green all around. Absolutely stunning!

MANY of the aspects of the wedding were DIY and hand-made, which I love. It made everything have a personal touch and feel a little more special. 

The Kimber Family! 

{P.S. I went out to Winners with my mom before the wedding to find a dress, as some of my clothes don't fit so well anymore, and this was a great find! SO comfortable and soft, and stretchy and flow-y. And only $19.99! Steal! Also... this denim jacket... I've had it since Grade 12. Doesn't sound bad until you realize that was 7 years ago! Haha!}

The only obligatory selfie from the day... right as we got out of the car!

Like I said... house is stunning. This is their front driveway.

The reception tent was set up in the front yard

As you make your way towards the ceremony location in the back, you pass the gift table, guest book, and table assignments!

Daddy and I ;)

David's sister Allana, and her boyfriend Gabriel (lookin' sharp in his velour vest)

If it was a clearer day at that time, we would have an incredible view of Mt. Baker in the background of the ceremony. Unfortunately it was cloudy over there, but it did keep the temperature tolerable!

More DIY. These flower buckets lined the aisle. Everything about the wedding was so colourful and Pinterest-y. :)

Exchanging of the rings

The first kiss! (Framed by the father and mother of the bride)

David's sister Rachel was the maid of honor, and I gotta say, she looked beautiful!

Between the ceremony and reception, there were DIY games set up in the yard by the reception area, along with drinks and snacks. They know how to keep people happy! We played Scrabble, Ring-Toss, Ladder-Ball, Bocce... They also had Dominoes, Molkky(?) and Jenga!

Mmmm... Love IS sweet

Guests playing games, having drinks, and socializing while the bride and groom get their portrait photos done!

Super cute party favors! Test tubes of tea <3

The beautiful bride seemed like she was loving every second of the day!

Cheesecake, homemade pie and s'mores for dessert? Yes please!

Maid of Honor with her father! Sweet.

Flower toss!

Well... one of the three single cousins caught it!

Bright pink sunset to close off the evening. Just in time for camp-fires, s'mores, and dancing around the fountain!

Considering the wedding was all outdoors, and on such a big property, I'm amazed at all the details they (okay... Christine) focused on! It's all about the details.

This is where I spent the rest of my evening! Without my liquid courage I couldn't bring myself to bust my usual wedding moves. That's okay with me though! I enjoyed getting to know people and socializing around the fire!

Very very early stages of the dancing around the fountain. It continued well into the night, with more people joining and more rambunctious dancing!

Thank you Christine & Taylor for including us in your beautiful day! It truly was stunning and perfect. Wishing you all the best as you start this journey and make your new house a home! Also, enjoy your Honeymoon in the Mediterranean!! 

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