Thursday 7 July 2016

Thankful Thursday - 49

Some days its hard to think of things to be grateful for... or unique things anyway. Throughout the week I often try to document with photos the little things that make me smile. When I write my Thankful Thursday blogs, I go back through the pictures I took to spark my memory and remind me what I have to be grateful for. (It helps that having pictures to go along with the blog makes it more fun for me to read back on later!)

1. Apple Crisp. I am not a sweets person. I was when I was a teenager, but then I grew out of that and became a savory, wine and cheese person. The other day we went out to the Dublin Crossing for David's dad's 60th birthday and I was perusing the menu ahead of time (as I always do... I hate making decisions at restaurants. I prefer going in with a plan... surprise!). As I was scrolling through, my eyes locked on the Apple Crisp option... At that moment I knew I HAD to have it. This is a first... Sure, sometimes I like to have chocolate mousse and I really enjoy it, but I HAD TO HAVE this apple crisp. We got to the restaurant, and I respectfully made my way through a BBQ Chicken flatbread and then promptly ordered an apple crisp before anyone else was even done their meal. David and I had agreed to share, but I quickly regretted that decision. I would have rather cover my bowl with my arm and hoard the delicious treat. I felt happy and satisfied, and have never enjoyed apple crisp more than that moment. Ahhh... pregnancy!

A terrible photo of the delicious apple crisp

2. Getting organized. I am inching closer and closer to nesting mode. I am dying to get our house organized. We have even started emptying out the nursery (or what will be the nursery). Our guest room is now a guest/craft/storage room. I am getting ready to go look at cribs and nursery furniture. For some reason thinking about car seats and strollers gives me anxiety. And that's not just the size of the investment those are. For some reason it scares me that I might jinx things, or that it's all real once we have a car seat! I'll get over it soon I'm sure. We get to hear heartbeat again next week! Along with getting organized in the nursery, I finally filed away a bunch of paperwork I'd been meaning to take care of for months. I have a little file box, but I think it's time to upgrade to a cabinet! I also need to go buy some matching folders, labels, and other things to make this look more pretty... It works for now though. (I may have also started a binder for baby things... appointments, ultrasounds, pamphlets, etc). 

Yup... time for an upgrade! It's stuffed! And now we have really important things to file like... mortgage papers, all our insurance papers, new car papers, utility bills... So adult-ish...

3. Little reminders. This is a bit of a stranger one; I haven't told anyone about it yet. I was floating on beer island at the cabin, having a minor meltdown about who knows what (stress about baby, stress about money, stress about going home, stress about nothing because that's what I do sometimes). I had a chat with David and was feeling a little bit better, and started enjoying my sun-tanning/floating in the waves. I was thinking to myself, "I just need someone to tell me this is all going to be okay. We're going to do great... We can do this." At that moment, a little dragon fly I'd been watching flying around came and landed on my finger, up by my face. It's as if it was looking at me saying " It'll be okay. You can do this..." I immediately felt more calm, and ready to face the rest of the day. I never experience these sorts of things because I'm cynical and too busy to slow down enough to think about it. Anyway, I didn't have my camera with me to capture this dragon-fly epiphany, but David and I were walking the other day, and this little butterfly landed in front of us and it reminded me of that moment. 

I'll have to be on the lookout for more reminders like this! Time to slow down...

This is a lengthy Thankful Thursday! I probably could have made each of these a post of their own... Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I always look at the menu ahead of time when it's a bigger crowd for dinner! I hate the panic of not being able to chat because I still haven't decided.
    2. Henry totally converted me to sweet tooth - maybe this babe will do that to you!
    3. That doesn't sound like nesting, that sounds like Renee. Wait till the last two weeks ;)
    4. You guys will be amazing and it WILL be okay! Much less capable and competent people have done it... You will rock it :)
