Thursday 24 March 2016

Thankful Thursday - 38

This week I am thankful for...

1. Some days off. I don't mean off from work, I still work Monday-Friday every week, but this past week David and I have had a couple evenings where we don't have ANYTHING planned! Wow... It seems like it's been a very long time. It's been nice just to hang out together and breathe for a minute or two. I enjoy our busy life, but it can be very exhausting/draining for me. 

{This is what Sherlock does when we're relaxing on the couch... Awkward guy.}

2. Wellbutrin. I don't talk much on here about my struggles with anxiety/depression, but it's something I've dealt with for years. Just recently I went back on Wellbutrin XL 150mg, which is a daily medication used for anxiety/depression. I love that it is something so simple I can do every day to make my life that much better. It brings me back to a "normal" level. Instead of daily meltdowns and panic, I can navigate life and the "little things" much more rationally. I understand medication is not for everyone, and I respect that. For me, this is something that works and has made the past few weeks so much more manageable. 
{If you ever have any questions about this please feel free to contact me! I'm always very willing to talk.}

3. Delicous, easy dinners. In case you haven't caught on yet, I love good food. I love to eat healthy meals, and usually I enjoy cooking them as well. Let's not kid ourselves, I enjoy the odd pancake or pizza for dinner too, but I try to put "good" food into our bodies whenever possible. This week I made salmon for the first time. I don't know what took me so long! I think I thought it was ridiculously expensive, but it's really not bad. 
I made salmon, boiled potatoes and beans, and it took me a grand total of 20 minutes. That's it! Put the potatoes on to boil/cook, and by the time they're done everything else is ready to go. Now THAT is simple... and deeeelicious!

Freshly broiled sockeye salmon. It turned out so great! Moist and delectable. 

1 comment:

  1. I loooooove salmon. I think that if you are comfortable sharing about anxiety and depression, so many can learn from you! Thank you for sharing, Renee. I am all about the medication if need be, I have seen how wonderfully it can work.
