Thursday 10 March 2016

Thankful Thursday - 36

I thought this week would be difficult to think of things I'm thankful for since I've been so busy and overwhelmed. 

I was wrong! It's amazing what you can come up with if you just sit and think for a minute or two about what you have to be thankful for. 

1. Amazing windstorm. Despite the wind waking me up at 4:15, blowing newspapers all over our complex, causing our power to go out in the midst of me getting ready for work, and causing an extra long commute, it is totally amazing to me. I love the power of the wind, as eerie as it can be. It seems so mysterious... it's just this incredible invisible force. 
Anyway, along with the wind comes some other fun weather conditions!

These gorgeous clouds floating across the sky {video below}

HORRIBLE picture, but you can see a faint rainbow in the background there. On my walk to work I had those clouds on one side, and this rainbow on the other. I promise it was more spectacular in real life. The iPhone did not do it justice this time!

2. Party prep coming together. I really hope this party is everything David is expecting... It is a Casino Royale night, with around 20 people invited for David's 25th birthday. We have Blackjack, Texas Hold 'Em, and Roulette. We are providing a signature drink and some other free drinks, along with snacks and appetizers. It is expected that everyone will dress up (David says, "Think James Bond"), and I will be wearing my grad dress from 2009 that i got shortened! (LOVE multi-purpose/multi-wear items that cost lots of money). We're still working out some of the kinks with the bank/chips, how games will work, prizes, etc. I hope everything goes smoothly (but that's just the neurotic perfectionist in me). 

David picked up the game tables yesterday, and we started setting things up in our place to see how it will work. You can sort of see in this photo. We have Poker on the far left, then the Roulette table, and then Blackjack on the right. We can't really go wrong with this right?

3. Sherlock is feeling better. Sherlock has had an upset stomach for many weeks now. We think he developed an allergy to his food, so we tried switching brands, but keeping the same protein. That was a silly idea, because the new brand did not help the situation at all! He has now been on a new protein formula for his food and he seems to be doing so much better! He is back to his energetic, spunky, happy self! When he wasn't feeling well he was still always happy to chase the ball or go for a walk, but he seemed lethargic and almost depressed when we were at home. Not anymore! 

Such a happy (muddy) goofball!

I mean it's every dogs dream! An empty peanut butter container to lick out?!
{Amy, Sherlock thanks you!}

Take a moment to consider what you are thankful for this week!

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