Thursday 11 February 2016

Thankful Thursday - 32

I feel like there is lots to be grateful for this week!

1. Being close to family. Someone reminded me this week how lucky we are to live (and be) so close to our family. If ever we are feeling bored or lonely, we can usually find someone to hang out with. On Family Day we invited Rachel, Kyle, Allana and Gabriel over for dinner (okay... it was just snacks) and games! We played MUCH Harry Potter Trivia and Settlers of Catan. For the record... David and I kicked butt!

 At some point in time Rachel & Kyle replaced the "robber" with this odd dog/pig Kinder Surprise toy. Kind of creepy if you ask me. 

2. Gorgeous weather. This has been a warm winter over all I think. We got tulip and daffodil bulbs from Brent & Amy as a house-warming gift and they're already starting to grow and look close to flowering! Also, with all these beautiful days come beautiful sunsets. Can't complain about any of this. 

So proud... A plant that I planted is actually growing! Can't wait until they bloom!

Sherlock wouldn't look at the camera, but a nice shot on Saturday in the Cloverdale Greenway

Such a nice, quiet place to walk and so close to home!

The sunset on Tuesday was absolutely breathtaking. It's too bad we were just walking back from the grocery store and couldn't get to a really good viewpoint!

3. Goofy Dog. Sherlock hasn't been feeling well lately. We're hoping this will be fixed by simply changing up his food. Despite his upset tummy, he's still such a goof. So much personality in this guy! Makes me smile every day. 

He was growling/"boof-ing" at something from the floor so we helped him onto the counter. He proceeded to sit there quite contentedly and stare out the window. I really do believe he may be a cat. At least he can help me rinse my dishes!

An older photo of Sherlock's balancing act on our bedroom window-sill. He does appreciate a good vantage point. 

Selfie time with Sherlock while we waited for David to take some pictures of the sunset on Saturday. Sherlock thinks he's a lap dog. (This sunset wasn't nearly as spectacular as the one on Tuesday)

Still pretty, but not AS great.

His ball rolled under the ottoman at my parents' house and he just stared at it for two minutes.

He really did not want to look at the camera this day. It was moderately frustrating considering the lighting and sky were so beautiful!

This photo is rather embarrassing. I was resting on the couch and Sherlock kept creeping closer and closer until his face was up against mine. Super sweet until he starts dreaming and his whole face twitches like crazy and he growls and woofs a whole bunch. 

Take a moment to think about some things (big or small) that you're thankful for this week!

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