Wednesday 17 February 2016

100th Post! - 30 Random Get to Know Me Questions

For my 100th post, I figured I'd answer some random questions about myself. Maybe you'll learn something new about me!
I was going to do 100 questions, but let's be real... who's going to read all that?! 
Also... I don't know what is going on with this white background. wasn't my idea!

1. Are you named after anyone? 
My parents had a friend named Renee in high school who passed away. I'm not positive if I was named after her or if they just always liked the name. I was given my middle name, Affina, after my mom's mom. 

2. Any nicknames?
Renegro, Renny, Renny-Boy, Eener, Ray Ray, Nay Nay, Janee (I make up half that nick-name. Janine makes up the other half), Ren, Reeny. 

3. When was the last time you cried? 
February 10. We were at our last agility class before our trial and Sherlock and I were not on the same page at all. It could be because he wasn't feeling well, but he was just on a sniffing mission instead of an obstacle mission! I was exhausted and frustrated and took a quick cry break outside before coming back in to try again. 

4. Are you a morning person or a night person? 
I am a morning person. I can pop out of bed after a decent night's sleep ready to start my day, however I'm usually out for the count an on my way to bed by 9 pm. 

5. What is usually your first thought when you wake up?
"5:45 already?... SHERLY!... What's the weather today? What am I going to wear? Why is David not out of bed yet? What is my temperature? How many times does my Fitbit say I woke up last night? I wonder what David's schedule looks like today... What's for dinner tonight? Would they miss me if I just didn't come to work today? What's am I doing with my life?"
In essence, to those people who can't fall asleep because their brains go crazy... That's my brain when I first wake up. Over-whelming way to start the day

6. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
NEVER!... But seriously. I'm a pretty literal person. Typically I take things at face value, and don't use a lot of sarcasm I don't think.

7. Will you ever bungee-jump? 
I would rather sky-dive. I feel like there's more time to rectify the problem if something goes wrong. Also , while I'm not afraid of heights, with bungee-jumping you're jumping from a "low" height and I feel like the impending doom approaches much quicker. 
If someone dragged me to a platform and paid for me to go, I definitely think I'd do it. I don't like to say no to new experiences. 

8. What’s your favorite cereal? 
Honey Nut Cheerios. They never get old!

9. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their smile? Whether or not they're smiling? I don't know.

10 What is your eye colour?

11. Scary movie or happy endings?
No scary movies. Ever. The movie I watch doesn't have to have a happy ending, although that is preferable. I like movies to be an escape; something I finish and feel good about continuing my day/evening. I'm kind of lame when it comes to movies. Just ask David. 

12. Favorite smells? 
Fruity candles; good wine; summer rain; permanent markers (not afraid to admit that).

13. Summer or winter?
Definitely summer. I need the daylight. fall/winter has cuter outfits, but summer has winter beat in every other way. 

14. Computer or television? 
Well now a days you can get any TV show you want on the computer! Generally though, I prefer TV. I like a good crap TV show every now and then. (Guilty TV pleasures: Teen Mom, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Real Housewives of ______). 

15. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
We went to Kusadasi, Turkey on our Mediterranean Cruise in 2014. That's roughly 9,890 km from Vancouver!

16. Do you have any special talents?
I did a Fraser Health typing test before I got my job and scored 87 wpm on their 5 minute test with 0 errors. That was the best score the invigilator had ever seen. Is that a special talent?
There's a Mother's Day card I made when I was little (probably grade 1) and it said, "I love my mother because ____" I filled in the blank with, "she can type fast." Must be genetic!

17. Where were you born?
Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster, BC.

18. What are your hobbies? 
Wine tasting, dog agility, scrap-booking/card-making, blogging. 

19. Do you have any pets? 
Silly question. Yes... Sherlock is our 18 month old Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

20 Favorite movie?
The Harry Potter films will always be a favorite of mine. Other than that, I enjoy most romantic comedies and Pixar animations. I really love a good story too like "Catch Me if You Can", "Good Will Hunting", "Top Gun", "Erin Brockovich", etc.

21. Do you have any siblings?
I grew up with two older brothers and one younger brother. I now also have two sisters-in-law from marrying David!

22. What do you want to be when you grow up? 
That is the never-ending question going through my head. Instead of setting an end goal, I'll say my goal for my next phase of life will be to be a mom. I'd like to have/raise a family. After that... who knows where I'll find myself!

23. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
I don't see myself ever moving out of the Lower Mainland. Everything about this area is beautiful. The city, the mountains, the ocean, the weather. The only downside is the cost of living! 
I do wish I could pick up and go to Holland for a year or two, but for long-term living I feel like we're already where we'd want to be!

24. What is your love language?
Acts of Services. See my 5 Love Languages post for more on that!

25. Do you have kids? 
Not yet! One day.

26. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? 
Well... I hope so! I feel that I may not be all that approachable initially. I hope I'm a good friend though!

27. What is your Meyer's Briggs Personality type?
I am ISTJ - the Logistician. What is this?

28. What are you afraid of?
Something happening to David, something happening to a loved one, spiders (irrational... I know. They make me gag), trying and failing, not living up to my potential.
I'm pretty neurotic... There are a lot of little (mainly irrational/unpreventable) fears.

29. What was your favorite subject in school?
I was a science/math geek. I loved biology, but it's possible that math was my favorite. So much logic and numbers!

30. How tall are you?
I am 5' 6.75". 

Did you learn something new about me? Anything else you'd like to know?

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