Thursday 3 December 2015

Thankful Thursday - 23

Thankful Thursday again?! 

What am I grateful for this week?

1. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I'm slowly getting into the Christmas spirit. This weekend I think we'll go get our tree.

How festive is this? A decked out house in the neighborhood. Just like Halloween, our neighborhood goes crazy for Christmas! All we need is a little snow on the ground and/or a good freeze and I'll be full bore into Christmas-mode!

Also there's this. Last year I did a snowman on our fridge, but in our new house we have a stainless steel fridge. didn't think that would look as good. Therefore, I took to the pantry! My Facebook friends seem to love him, so we'll keep him up for the holidays!

2. Early birthday celebrations. This year I'm celebrating my birthday with some folks a few weeks early because why not spread out the celebration between my birthday and Christmas?! It's not about the gifts for me at all. I really enjoy spending quality time with the people that are close to me. That is done most around birthdays and Christmas, so why not try to spread it out a little bit?!

3. My favourite thing about the holidays: Gelzelligheid. In case you missed it in my last post: Gezelligheid is a dutch abstract noun which, depending on the context, can be translated as convivial, cozy, fun, quaint, or nice atmosphere, but can also connote belonging, time spent with loved ones, the fact of seeing a friend after a long absence, or general togetherness that gives a warm feeling. 
There is no English word that describes this quite as well.  

This picture may not exactly show off "togetherness", but for me enjoying wine and cheese with my loved ones is the exact definition of gezelligheid. 

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the definition of gezelligheid! My oma's loved that word :)
