Monday 21 December 2015

Star Wars & Crokinole

Odd title for a blog post? I agree. It's just two of the MANY highlights from this past weekend.

Friday night David was going to see Star Wars - The Force Awakens with his sister, Rachel. While he was out, I headed off to a wine night with Katrina and Elissa. Of course there were many Henry snuggles as well!

Happy baby!

Saturday morning we got up and trekked on over to Colossus to see Star Wars (yes... David saw it twice within 14 hours. No big deal...). I was PLEASANTLY surprised by the film. I was never into Star Wars before, but I did enjoy the two newer Star Trek films. Before you get your panties in a bunch, I'm not comparing Star Wars and Star Trek. The new Star Trek films are directed by J.J. Abrams, as is the newest Star Wars film. Similar styles which I really like. 

The movie offered great action, cinematography, comedic relief and throwbacks to the original movies. I would see it again. 

I snuck a shot during the previews. This is actually a clip from the video game. Don't worry. I'm not one of those people in the theatre with my phone out during the movie!

After Star Wars, Elissa and I met up to get shellac manicures for the holidays. It's been years since I've gotten my nails done. 

I went for a muted purple-y grey colour. I really like it! I also love shellac, because I'm a klutz and always ruin my nails while they're still wet.

My lovely friend enjoying her manicure!

After this, I went over to Mom & Dad's to put my dip together as an appetizer before our Christmas dinner. This is a delicious cranberry cream cheese recipe. I'd definitely recommend giving it a try! I'm going to make it again for another family dinner this season. 

I forgot to take a photo of it before we all dug in.

Mom let Sherlock unwrap his Christmas present early this year. Ever since Sherlock was a little pup he has had a thing for beer. I blame Jeff. Always dipping his finger in his beer and letting Sherlock lap it up. Sherlock's very favourite thing is a squeaky toy. When mom found this squeaky beer bottle she figured Sherlock HAD to have it!

It didn't last long, but boy was it noisy and fun while it lasted!

Next came dinner. Oh heavens. Most of us prefer a nice piece of red meat to a turkey. Also, there is typically more than enough turkey to go around between all the family dinners over the Christmas season. Mom picked up a top sirloin roast from Costco and cooked it low and slow until it was perfectly medium rare (or maybe more on the rare side) throughout. 

With the drippings she made a gravy to go along with the meat and mashed potatoes. We had some other traditional trimmings such as mashed sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts (cooked in beer and bacon... Thanks Scott!), stoofpeertjes and beans.

Talk about DELICIOUS! 

Two fantastic bottles of wine to go along with dinner as well.

After the table was cleared we were all hanging out in the living room. We could hear Sherlock whining constantly, so finally I went to check on him. He is looking sad because there is meat on the counter, but we aren't giving it to him. Haha! At least he's just whining now instead of counter surfing! I would have jumped up there to sneak a bite if I were him.

A family dinner isn't complete without a game of Pictionary! We played two full games. I'm happy to share I was on the winning team both times.

This version of Pictionary we discovered has a special die you can roll with different rules on it. We decided to roll every time you do NOT have an "all-play" and every time we land on a spot where we have to stop. The options on the die were: draw regular; draw with eyes closed; draw with non-dominant hand; draw without lifting your pencil; and pick two cards and draw both things within the 1 minute.

This was my winning drawing with my eyes closed. Any guesses?.... That's right! I was drawing, "Send in the clowns". How they got that from my scribbles I will never know!

Holland Shop croquettes! A Christmas staple.
Sherlock relaxing in the living room. Superman style.

David, why?

The boys played MANY games of crokinole throughout the evening. I'm sure there are many bruised fingernails after all the flicking!

Sunday morning I was playing bass in church (yes... again). After church we headed to brunch at David's parents' house! David's Aunty Val is in town from Winnipeg, so we're glad we get to spend some extra time with her over the holidays as well. 

After brunch we played some games and then I went home. I laid down on the couch and took a nap! It has been such a busy week, so it was so lovely to have a little peace and quiet to just lay down. The rest of the afternoon was spent walking the dog, relaxing, and making/eating scrumptious perogies for dinner. When I say making, I mean boiling and pan-frying. Not making.  

Another busy couple weeks to come as we get right into Christmas-time! It doesn't feel like Christmas yet... We need some snow! Or maybe I just need to finish my Christmas shopping! Bad... 

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