Tuesday 22 December 2015

Christmas Light Tour

Yesterday was the second annual Christmas Light tour with David's sisters, their cousin and myself. 

Rachel, Allana, Christine and I filled our travel mugs with hot chocolate and hit the road! This year Rachel was in charge of planning our route. We hit some of the same spots as last year and some new ones! 

I feel like setting up lights in an extravagant manner is on the decline. Maybe it's the cost of electricity? Some of the spectacular houses we saw last year didn't have any lights, or very minimal display. Some places even had everything set up, but the lights weren't on! 

Despite this, we did get to see some pretty magnificent displays.

Our first stop was one of my favourites. I wonder how many lights they use? How much is their December electricity bill?!

A lot of the set-ups are very tacky. This one was less tacky. Just fun lights! And all in straight lines - good for someone OCD like me!

Lots of Nativity scenes around.

Photo with the Nutcracker. (Left-Right: Me, Allana, Christine, Rachel)

This little fox reminded me of Sherlock!

This house was rather exciting! They had a hot chocolate stand, music blasting, and so many lights. It was sensory overload! As we were walking around looking at their lights, we almost walked right into a Global News interview. Oops! I wonder if my look of, "Oh crap... camera... act natural... walk away!" made it on the news. 

I love Cookie Monster, so I had to take a photo of the cookie monsters I saw!

Dancing Cookie Monster

Train set with moving gondola and Santa sleigh set up in someone's garage!

Where do they store all this stuff when it's not Christmas?!

We had a tally going of how many Olaf's we saw after we noticed them at the first few houses we went to. We thought it would get a lot higher, but we only ended up with 6 the whole evening! We must have missed some.

Love the Christmas traditions! Maybe next year we can go to the Stanley Park train.

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