Thursday 8 October 2015

Thankful Thursday - 16

1. Finishing my 30 day squat challenge. On Tuesday I accomplished 200 squats, and ended my 30 day squat challenge! You may be wondering, what happened to the plank challenge? I (gulp) quit after I couldn't make it past 2.5 minutes. Still proud of myself for that though! What's next? I don't know... Maybe I'll work on my arms? maybe I'll work up to 30 push-ups? (Right now I max out at 8-10). 

2. Scott is home for Thanksgiving! We miss Scott every time he is away. Every time David and I are sitting, wondering what to do in an evening, we think, "Hey! We should call Scott to see if he's free!" However, as he lives in Edmonton, that makes things difficult! In April he'll be home for good though! 

3. Visit with great friends and baby snuggles. Katrina is in town and her and baby Henry came by for dinner on Tuesday. Elissa came by on her way to bible study too! It was great to catch up, and the little babe was an angel! She got a good one! Squawked for two minutes while he was hungry, and spend the rest of the evening giggling and sneezing (which he thought was pretty funny). Such a sweetie. Brayden will be in town tomorrow for the weekend as well. 
It's crazy to think how far we've all come in the 6 years since high-school graduation! Now that I think about it... it's crazy to think that was SIX YEARS AGO!

All smiles!

Henry was so very content to be held and played with. Babbled away all night. I bet he's going to be VERY talkative when he grows up! Gets that from his dad!