Monday 5 October 2015

Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate - VCC

Many people don't know this about me, but I'm almost done schooling to complete a Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate through VCC.

My friend, Katrina, did these courses a few years ago, and (with her encouragement) I decided to do the same! I do the courses online, and typically 1-2 courses per semester. I have up to 3 years to complete all 10 of the courses. 

I have already completed 8 of them!
Conveyancing Procedures I
Conveyancing Procedures II
Family Litigation
Intro to the Canadian Legal System
Legal Office Procedures
Litigation Procedures I
Litigation Procedures II
Wills & Estates

I'm currently about halfway through Corporate Procedures I, and then just have to finish part II in January! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Each week, I probably spend 5-8 hours working on the one course. It's a lot of work, but very doable for me. It also keeps my brain active, which is a bonus. 

My favorite courses so far have been Conveyancing I and II. It definitely helped a LOT to have that background knowledge when we were buying our house! I could follow the process and procedure for the most part, and not feel lost or confused. I think these were my favorite because we used numbers and spreadsheets and calculations. I know... I should have gone into accounting considering how much I love numbers. 

Who knows where this will lead me if anywhere. At the very least, it's some knowledge to have in my back pocket if I ever need it. Maybe it will look good on my resume and one day I'll work PT at a Law office or something! Since I never completed my undergrad at SFU, I am happy to be able to have some sort of post-secondary education to fall back on. 

In April (or March, depending when I finish my last course), I will have completed all my courses! What a relief! I wish I could have finished them sooner, but these last two weren't offered in convenient semesters for me, so I got stuck with them now. 

This is what my text book looks like this semester. A GIANT binder to read. 


Never fear. This post will not lack a Sherlock photo! Here is a shot of Sherlock meeting a horse for the first time. He was super concerned about this giant creature at first. Then he warmed up to it, until the horse snorted in his face. That was the end of that!

Finally, this is how Sherlock spends his days. David send me pictures throughout the day of Sherlock and him hanging out. Why? Perhaps just to make me jealous and want to come home!

Sherlock lounging in the shade in our yard.

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