Thursday 19 August 2021

Thankful Thursday - 270

 Ah another week has flown by! 
This week I am thankful for...

1. Real Easy Weekdays. I have been in such a slump when it comes to cooking and planning meals and snacks. I'd been thinking about it for a long time, and finally bought @kidseatincolor Real Easy Weekdays meal planning tool. It covers breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner for 12 days. It includes 60 recipes (one for each of those meals over the 12 days), and a calendar for planning. It includes ingredient lists for what you need each day, and substitutes if you're vegetarian or have any allergies. I love that for the breakfast and lunch meals it has a "what are Mom & Dad eating?" section. Since we don't always want to eat the same thing as the kids for those meals. 

I haven't printed it or been able to properly do a meal plan with it, but I'm excited to do that! I looked into Staples printing and it was going to be $73 to print it! Haha!! That's twice as much as it cost in the first place! Silliness. 

I had intentions of taking a cute picture... alas I forgot and took a mid-meal picture. This is our "Red Lentil Pasta" or something from yesterday. It took less than half an hour to make, and by some miracle both the kids devoured it with no complaining... they won't even do that with their favourite meals lately. Beats me!

Trying her first bite with zero prompting. It's basically jarred pasta sauce with whatever you want to add (I added italian sausage, peppers and carrots we had to use from the fridge), and then you boil some lentils and add those into the sauce. No one was any the wiser, and it tasted much better than I was expecting. 

And then there's these super fun PINK PANCAKES! I made them mini and froze them so they can be used in school lunches. Wanna know a secret? They're pink because the main sweetener in them is beets... You heard that right! Muahahaha

I have enough frozen for each kid to eat 3, 5 times. So I have 5 packs of 6.

@kidseatincolor also suggests getting some cute shape cutters and kid-friendly toothpicks to make eating fun. It apparently encourages kids to try new foods and can make it all a little less intimidating. I gave them some cucumber and apple slices yesterday and it was a win-win! They ate all the vegetables (and scraps) from it, and it kept them busy for half an hour as they were stamping shapes out of their fruits and veggies. 

That was all yesterday... I also baked a loaf of sourdough and prepped another loaf. It was a really busy, but productive day. Oh AND yesterday I brought Eva for her 4 month immunizations, worked out, bathed Eva, folded laundry, did an hour of work plus a half hour meeting, answered endless questions, and walked the dog. Yeesh... No wonder I'm dead sometimes.

2. Audiobooks. Suddenly Dominic is SUPER into listening to audiobooks. They're on every day at some point lately, and it is a super nice quiet activity. He sits and plays or looks at books and listens to the stories for as long as we'll let him. Then, because they've been mostly Thomas audiobooks, he runs off to play trains! 

3. Eva's Immunizations went well. I had Eva's 4 month check up yesterday. There was a miscommunication between Dave and I, and I realized I didn't have any childcare for the big two during the appointment. It was either bring them with me (no thank you!) or find some childcare! Thank goodness Mom was able to swing home from work for an hour and a bit to watch them for me. That would have been a gong show. 
Anyway, Eva's 13lb 5oz before a feed because I didn't get a chance to feed her before leaving. If I had fed her, I suspect she'd be closer to 13lb 10oz. I wish I could have done a before and after weigh-in actually to see how much milk she's transferring. Milk supply is always a concern, and as she's on the lower end of the growth chart, and her curve isn't going up as it should, we'll have to supplement a bit more possibly, and/or introduce oatmeal to her diet. It doesn't help that she's started sleeping through the night! 
Other than her weight, everything looks great. She was a great, friendly, patient little baby during the appointment. 

She was playing with her purse in my lap while I chatted with the Dr. Then when I moved her to the table to get her checkup, she took her purse with her. "All set to go then, are we?!"

What I woke up to the previous morning. This sleeper was not worth saving... So gross!

4. More mild weather. Oh my gosh. The last few days have been SO much nicer. I'm not ready for fall/winter by any means, but having some cloud cover and temperatures reaching 22-24 instead of 37-40 every day is a maaaajor relief! I can wear pants! The kids actually get put in clothes! And I can make sourdough again! My loaves kept turning out like crap because it was too hot in the house. 

Sneaked (snuck?) this picture after returning from walking the dog around bedtime. <3 This is their nightly ritual. They don't even like to do this with me, because this is their special thing with Daddy. They made me go up to the top bunk with them the other day instead.

Ahh a loaf that actually rose! I've had to adjust my sourdough baking habits as well because our oven can't handle doing two in a row. I don't know if the dutch oven holds so much heat that the oven can't handle it or what, but the oven ends up with a runaway temperature and shuts off mid-way through baking the second loaf. Almost every time... So now it's just one per day!

5. Reading! It's been so long since I've read a book. I FLEW through the Bridgerton book the last few days, and am going to start Laesa Kim's book, "Can't Breathe" today. I am very much looking forward to this read!

I was impressed how well the series actually followed the book. And I think I enjoyed the book more because I already knew what was going to happen. Ah life as an anxious person haha!

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