Tuesday 3 August 2021

August Long Weekend

What is a long weekend anyway? We just had a week off in Whistler, and Dave worked on the holiday Monday. We run on our own schedule over here. 

On Friday we just hung around home. Eva learned the ropes in the jolly jumper and now spends time in there every day. She will use it more than the other two did I think. Dom enjoyed it, but we didn't utilize it a ton because we had the time to actually entertain him without it. Emilia loved it, but Dom was 18 months old and it was hard to teach him the boundaries. Now Eva loves it, and the big kids understand the boundaries and sit there and talk to her, she talks to them, and they laugh at each other. Perfection.

When she's not jumping, she's standing there staring at her siblings or watching them play

Dom is just obsessed with her lately. Always asking to hold her, to read to her, to snuggle her, to feed her, to play with her, etc. 

Saturday afternoon there was a Kimber family BBQ at Uncle John & Aunty Janis' place in Abbotsford. We got there a little late due to nap times, and honestly I was really anxious leading up to it. Firstly, because social things make me anxious right now since COVID - it's just a lot. Secondly, because the last few times I've tried to take Eva out and do something like this, she hits a breaking point and screams and it's stressful and a little embarrassing. Thirdly, I don't have any clothes that fit me and it's getting discouraging! 

We packed up to go, and everything went so much better than I expected. The weather was perfect, the kids had an awesome time, and Eva was an angel until we packed up to come home. It was so wonderful to see everyone again. It's been two years since I've seen some of them, and all my nerves were diminished once we got there and got settled in. 

I got lots of positive feedback on my blog, which is always appreciated. Through it all, I also found another reason I love having this blog is that it eliminates the need for small talk if the person I'm talking to reads it. I don't love small talk, so I knew when someone asked, "How are you doing?" They were actually asking how I'm doing, and I could answer honestly, and it just makes it so much easier to reconnect on a deeper level. 

Jamie, fresh out of quarantine! She lives in Turkey and is here for 7 weeks (including her 2 week quarantine).

Uncle John has some sweet cars, so Dom warmed up pretty quickly! This is a restored car, which was Uncle John's first car if I heard correctly!
1957 Pontiac Laurentian

I just love this photo of Aunty Lorna & Eva. 

Lisa convincing the kids she's awesome. They missed Rebecca, but still had fun playing together and with some of the grown ups.

Gramma & Grandpa just got back from a road trip, so they had some catching up to do too :)

Uncle John was determined to win over the littles. All of a sudden I look over and Emilia is holding his hand, and Dom is going to show him our minivan after seeing Uncle John's sweet cars haha.

Super excited about her ice cream for dessert

Group shot! 

Found a bowling set

Just as we were about to hop in the van, Dom got his wish and got a ride on the tractor with Uncle John! He'd been asking about it the whole time. So fun.

Sunday we hung around home anticipating the busy days ahead, and recovering from the busy days past. I got a few hours of work done, suddenly realizing it was the end of the month and I had reports to send out! I also went out to Talize and picked up a pair of shorts that fits, and a few nursing tops. $30 for shorts and 4 shirts that actually fit. 

This kid has a passionate love of bath time. So much flailing and splashing <3

We watched some Olympics with the kids. Here's Dom watching a swimming race with Eva.

"Holiday" Monday. What's holidays again? Dave had two shoots, and then Adam, Aly & Myles came over after nap time for dinner and a visit.

Happy girl after sleeping through the night! 730-630! (she did this Sunday night and Monday night!)

These kids live in their underwear.

Got these boxes at Costco and Dom helped me organize some toys that didn't really have a home!

Hi Myles! So good to see you! <3 Dom & Emilia seriously turned on the charm while A&A&M were over. All the pleases, thank yous, excuse mes, raising hand instead of interrupting. Moments like that make it seem like we're doing a good job haha.

Biggest little Blue Jays fan around

Italian sausage hot dogs, charcuterie, veggies & dip, salad, and Stoneboat for dinner :)

Aunty Aly and Eva

Uncle Adam and Eva

Adam & Aly stayed for a while after the kids went to bed and Myles slept in the playpen upstairs. I was so glad! Often people leave as soon as the kids go to bed, but really after they're gone is the only time I feel focused enough to connect with our company. Before that it's just too hectic and distracting!

Myles tried out Eva's jolly jumper for the first time. He expressed his pleasure with shrieks and squawks.

Myles & Aunty Renee <3 Mom says she sees some family resemblance in this photo. Hard for me to see it though.

Today we didn't have morning plans, but Mom texted to let us know they were tearing down the house she used to work in by the school! I packed up the three kidlets and we went to watch the excavator break it down for a while! Dom was enthralled. Emilia said after a few minutes, "Mommy... I want to go back home." I guess it's not her cup of tea. 

Popped into the school so I could feed Eva and we could cool off

Goodbye garage!

This afternoon we had dinner with the neighbours again! We did appetizers this time, and I made a loaf of sourdough and some spinach dip, and Kirsten cooked up some of my pita pizzas in her oven since it was on already for potato skins, taquitos and spring rolls. Yum! I had two loaves of sourdough to bake today, but unfortunately when I was baking the second loaf our oven overheated. AGAIN! We just flipped the breaker and let it cool down so hopefully it's okay now. It's done this a few times now, and every time it's when I'm baking a second consecutive loaf of sourdough. I guess I just won't be doing that anymore. 

This table I tell ya. Best random $40 I ever spent! We use it almost every day, all over the place. In the living room, on the deck, in the office, outside, camping, etc. etc. 

Little lady had a rough nap day after our morning out. This led to an evening power nap while I tried to eat, and dropped crumbs on her head. I'll have to get a picture of her and Wren together one of these days. They're 10 days apart and they'll definitely be besties.

So glad we have this jolly jumper. I didn't want to lay her on the ground, but didn't want to hold her, so Dave brought it out. She showcased her mad jumping skills. And her mullet of course.

This is about as outdoorsy as I get.

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