Sunday 4 April 2021


I didn't get around to posting a Thankful Thursday last week. No baby yet over here, and no signs of baby coming soon either. I am totally tossed between being anxious to get this thing out of me and just savouring the time of NOT having a third child to care for. I'm pretty busy with the other kids and household stuff, so I don't have a lot of time to sit around and dwell on it which is probably helpful, but usually by the evening I'm READY! 

Dom has been such an incredible helper lately. I don't know what I expected from a 4-year-old, but this much emotional maturity certainly wasn't it. Obviously he still has his moments/days, but underneath it all is an extraordinarily empathetic, helpful, warm, caring young man who just wants to do what's best for everybody. He can see how large and exhausted I am, and has taken to helping out with little things like... if I'm sitting on the couch and the dog wants outside, he will drop what he's doing to go let the dog in/out to the patio and then go back to his toys. Or if I'm resting or busy, and Emilia is at the table and wants to be pushed in further, he'll again drop his activity to go help her, and then go back to it. When he's on his A-game he can even tame an Emilia tantrum using the tools we've been trying to learn, with very little input from me. He does require a lot of one-on-one attention when it's available (therefore solo quiet time has been shorter, and he comes down to snuggle and read books much earlier and more regularly), but I'm trying to grant him that access to me more often. 

It makes me feel optimistic and encouraged for when baby comes. David's work is picking up as it should be going into spring time, so I've been nervous, but seeing how aware Dom is of my limitations has been helpful. The other day I was just trying to eat my cereal and I had them both yelling at me from either side about different things. Trying very hard not to yell back at them, I just sort of put my head down and let out a few tears. Dom completely changed his tune, asking "Mommy, are you sad? Are you just tired?" And I said, "I would just really like to eat my cereal without being yelled at constantly." Dom immediately hopped down from his stool, gave me a huge hug, and went over to the couch to sit by himself with his blanket while I finished. Emilia stuck closer by, but changed her tune as well, being a bit more encouraging and a bit less demanding (for a 2-year-old). But seriously. I what 4-year-old has this sort of regulation?! Maybe all of them, but I feel very blessed!

I love his cheeks and his lips <3

Still loving this tattered blanket...

Last Tuesday preschool started up again after the 2 week break! I forgot what a blessing those 4 hours are, and am very excited to have those hours with baby going forward! 

I sort of french braided Emilia's hair for preschool. Of course most of it fell out by the time she got home, but I was impressed she even let me touch her hair haha.

I used my free time to visit Scott, Ashleigh, and an AWAKE baby Phoebe! I had only seen her sleeping until this point. She is the most content, quiet baby. Such a sweet girl.

I was also commissioned by S&A to make some cinnamon buns. I made my best batch yet (pic pre-icing to capture that amazing rise), and then got sellers remorse, so we ended up splitting the batch haha. 

Dom has been MEGA into playing hockey again lately. One day we had my parents over for dinner, and then Dom asked Opa to go play hockey outside (am LOVING these longer days!). My mom and brother were commenting that this looks very nostalgic from when we were kids and Dad would play hockey with the older boys especially. 

Another day we were outside playing with the kids, and a neighbour girl came by who Dom and Em have always been shy about. Dom, in his most confident state playing hockey, invited her to play, and totally engaged with her and encouraged her and loved playing hockey with her. Who is this boy?!?! Her dad then saw Dom playing goalie, and promptly went and grabbed his son's goalie gear for Dom to borrow for a bit. Well that's it... the next day we saw someone post youth goalie gear on our neighbourhood Facebook page and we're now proud owners of two sets of youth goalie gear in a big hockey bag... anyone want the second?!?! (Katrina?). 

Emilia plays outside too! Rarely does she pick up a hockey stick, but she's usually riding her scooter or tricycle thing, or sitting and watching with me. This week she's rediscovered her baby, and the baby has become a good processing tool for her. She's not sure what to make of all these new babies, and this baby talk, so it's good for me to see her doing some positive play to process the emotions/changes going on around her. 

On Thursday it was Dom's turn to go to preschool. I don't know what happened, but he had a major meltdown about it in the morning and at drop off. He has NEVER cried at preschool drop off, but was just bawling and saying he wanted to go home, he wanted to stay home, he didn't want to go to school today. It was so freaking hard for me to make him do it. Especially because it was so out of the blue. He couldn't give me a reason for not wanting to go, other than not wanting to miss the neighbour's garbage truck coming later that day. I was very tossed between maybe something happening on Tuesday that bothered him, or him being anxious about the changes going on, or maybe he wasn't feeling well, but I pushed through and dropped him off and he of course had a great/normal day after a few minutes of being upset. I, on the other hand, had a good cry on the way home haha. Harder than the first day of preschool for me!

Anywho, while Dom was at preschool, it was just Emilia and I! She asked to play chalk, so I made a cup of tea, and we went down to the yard so she could do some chalk on the sidewalk while I sat and drank my tea. She didn't actually touch the chalk, but we did have a nice time hanging out! Haha

She decided to eat her lunch instead of playing. At least it involved some dancing!

On Friday afternoon, Scott & Ash convinced (asked) Dave to do some newborn photos of Phoebe for them. We recommended doing them at our house because our bedroom has such natural light. I'm really glad they went for it! Firstly because they turned out amaaaaazing, and secondly because it meant I could be there!! Tried not to meddle, but gosh I had fun helping out. 

This is just from my phone and doesn't do David's shots justice, but gives you an idea!

Dom kindly stayed in his room (quiet time) until we were done, then came to officially meet his baby cousin! He is just over the moon in love with her. A little unsure (doesn't want to hold her), but so so normal!

Emilia went from naptime straight to seeing Phoebe in person up close for the first time, so she was pretty unsure. That's why I love seeing her play more with her doll lately. Processing, processing...

Okay I can't resist... here's a couple shots Dave took <3 <3 <3 Now I am excited for OUR newborn photos!

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