Thursday 15 April 2021

Thankful Thursday - 258

 This week I am thankful for...

1. A lesson in control/patience. By nature I'm not overly patient, and especially not patient with things that are out of my control. Alas, this week has been a good challenge and lesson for me haha! Two days past due date and counting!

When people compare my belly to a basketball... Yes, you are right haha.

However it also serves as a great table. 

And also a great way to guarantee right of way as I try to cross a road. 

2. Neighbour friends. I am an introvert, and I like it that way. I'm not shy necessarily, but if given the choice between socializing/meeting new people or staying at home and not, I'll often choose not. COVID hasn't been as hard on me as it has on some people haha. That being said, Dave and I have started building a relationship with our neighbours, and recently I went out of my comfort zone and reached out to the wife. They just had their first baby on April 6, and I think we all just decided to be friends now. It's like a school yard "will you be my friend?" We have each other's numbers, we hang out out front in the sun, they've shared about their baby and their birth story, I brought them dinner, etc. etc. It sounds silly, but it's a big deal for me! This could be a great summer of beers around the fire with no babysitters needed!

No pictures with the neighbours because boundaries, so here's Emilia enjoying her outdoor snack <3

Good thing her birthday is coming up. Poor girl has to resort to pretending Batman is Princess Elsa for her game. I don't know why Elsa is in a garbage truck... maybe it's a carriage?

I love Spring in our complex/neighbourhood. So many beautiful magnolia trees!

3. Sleep. I need to remind myself to be thankful for sleep. As impatient as I am for this baby to come, I am getting 8+ hours of sleep most nights, and often sleep for 1.5-2 hours every day. I have a gift. Once my head hits the pillow, usually regardless of anxiety/circumstances around me, I am asleep. I wake 3-4 times per night to pee right now, but straight back to sleep. I am not even tired and go to rest my body and BAM straight to sleep. I need to be grateful for the time to sleep too! Things are about to get wildly sleep deprived around here! :)

Thankfully no pictures of me sleeping, but Dave and I have been enjoying lots of quality time together lately due to him not working much and us just not making/having any plans right now! We played the 2-player Harry Potter game the other night. He won both times... Of course. Mom and Dad brought us dinner last night and stayed so we could go for a walk with the two of us. We also got to do this earlier in the week when both kids were at preschool. Honestly this week has been like a vacation other than the impending shitstorm we're about to enter haha!

Dom had preschool today before my midwife appointment. Dave and Emilia dropped me off at my appointment and went to play at a park up the street. I walked up and joined them after. So nice for them to have some one-on-one time too! They never get that.

SURELY by next week I'll have something new to post about on Thankful Thursday! SURELY! Haha. I've given up guessing. Some day I'll post that we have a new addition. :)

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