Tuesday 13 April 2021

39 Weeks (1980's MCDONALD'S HAPPY MEAL) - 3.0: April 6-12


Ya... I think I'm the biggest I've been. Not the heaviest (pregnancy with Dom still takes the cake on that one), but the biggest belly. 

  • Surely this week will be the week! (Spoiler alert... it was not.)
  • Contractions come randomly/inconsistently. I can get up off the couch or just be sitting on the couch and get lots of crampy ones, and then go for a 3km walk and have nothing. I think it's more related to movement (or lack of), and hydration level than it is to labour, but even braxton hicks are warm-ups, so I'll take it. 
  • I hit the point of done-ness the day I turned 39 weeks that I have been waiting for. I hadn't felt truly done yet, but I hit the point of no longer caring that it's easier to care for a baby in my tummy than in the real world. I'm no longer nervous about the pain of labour or the transition to life with 3. I am just ready to meet my baby and have my body back (ish). I am ready to be able to roll over in bed, and hug my kids and put on my own shoes and do things at the counter. 
    • With the other two kids, the day I hit this "done" level was the day before I went into labour, and the day I went into labour. 
    • 39+1 now, so the day after, and no more signs of labour. Darn it! Haha
  • The next day I felt significantly less done and ready, and I had up and downs all week. I'm ready, but I'm not in a major panic. I'm busy enough most days, and have a couple work projects to wrap up, so I'm pretty distracted most of the times. The times where kids are needy (or just around and noisy haha) and the evenings/nighttime are the hardest. 
  • I still sleep well all things considered. I don't suffer from the insomnia many other women seem to have in the last days/weeks of pregnancy. I consider myself very blessed! I sleep 8+ hours per night with 2- wake ups usually, plus I nap almost every day for 1-2 hours. People keep insisting I rest more, but really... I'm prioritizing rest! It just happens to be at night and during quiet time! Haha. The rest of the time it's near impossible to "rest". I still have things to do and children to care for! :) 
  • Emilia is in tune and ready! I walked into the nursery to get her from her nap, but was carrying the pump bag and breastfeeding stuff. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and said, "Mommy! Is baby coming out soon!?" Then the next morning she walked up to me and said, "Mommy, is baby excited to come out?" I said, "Oh! I think so! I hope so." Emilia scrunched up excitedly and said, "Me just wanna hold her hand!!!" She spends a lot of her time taking care of her dolls and tucking them in places. I have taken some photos of the random spots I find her dolls tucked in. I'll share those at some point. 
  • I've had some cramping on and off, but usually that's just when I have to pee. So I wake up multiple times at night with cramps and contractions, go pee, and everything goes away. I'm okay with labour not starting in the middle of the night haha. 
  • Being around or hearing about my siblings and their newbies makes me excited and feel more confident about the transition with our next one. This is really backwards and seems bizarre, but I'm actually looking forward to slowing down and just being responsible for baby for a few days. I am romanticizing our stay in the hospital and packing snacks as if I'm going on vacation. I have too much time on my hands, but at least I'm spending it being overly optimistic instead of anxious? Mostly...
  • Speaking of anxiety, I have random bouts of panic when I'm really exhausted, but for the most part I'm relatively chill I think. I just don't have the energy to care about things most of the time haha. I'm realizing how much of this is out of my control and just taking it in stride. I probably sound all of the place in this post because I have been! I usually type little bits throughout the week so it's scattered lol.
  • The kids both had the chance to hold baby Phoebe this week, and they loved it. Dom especially. He's so ready to be a big brother again. Emilia is a bit of a wild card, but at least she tried!

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