Thursday 26 November 2020

Thankful Thursday - 241

This week I am thankful for...

1. Dominic's school picture. We have never gotten studio photos taken of our family or our kids because well... Dave takes good pictures, and studios aren't real life. HOWEVER, I couldn't resist buying Dom's first preschool photo! Such a classic Dom face. A little unsure, cheeky, sideways smile <3. He's so big! Almost 4!

2. Zoom with the grandparents. Yup... we're at that point again. It's like April, minus the long, warm, sunny days. COVID restrictions have came down so there is no socializing inside homes or outside with groups outside of your immediate household. In April we managed by seeing Scott and Ashleigh a few times per week, drinking lots of beer, and going for socially-distant visits with the grandparents eventually. This time around things are a little less floofy. No beer for me (worth it for the baby, but I still miss wine and beer sometimes!), no grandparent visits inside or outside, no babysitters, etc. etc. We have seen Scott and Ash a couple times still - we figure Dom is with her at preschool anyway. None of us are seeing anyone else. I'm okay with any restrictions they put on us (I'd be okay with even stricter ones and a full lockdown) if it means there's a chance we can get together on some level for Christmas... 

Best way to kill the last 15-20 minutes before bedtime!

Remembered this shirt the other day and realized I have missed so many opportunities to wear it the last 8 months! Now I've almost missed the opportunity for good as my belly is pushing the limits on it!

3. Ultrasound. Speaking of my belly, I had my "big" ultrasound today! The ole anatomy scan! I'll share more about it in my 20 week post, but I think everything is going well in there! They didn't outright say everything was perfect, but they didn't indicate otherwise either. I hate that about ultrasounds - the tech can't tell you anything!! After seeing baby on the ultrasound and hearing a little bit about them, I'm now changing my guess from girl to boy! 

We got a nice profile shot this time around because baby was head up, butt down. (You can flip any time now baby!). Below are Dom and Emilia's scans respectively for comparison. I think this one looks like a mix of the two... less chubby than Dom, but a bit bulkier than Emilia. We'll see what the midwife says at my appointment next week!

Dominic - his head was way way down but they managed to get an okay profile.

Emilia - so uncooperative at the ultrasound! Her head was also way way down. 

4. I won an Instagram giveaway! I never ever expect to win things and very rarely enter giveaways, but I entered this one because it supports local companies and because why not. I won this giveaway and will be getting... a mascara, a soother clip, a coco oat bath soak, a cinnamon lipbalm, a car decal, a Christmas ornament, 6 homemade macarons (made by Desiree!), and a matching sweater for Emilia and I! I can't wait to share it all when it gets here! :)


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