Thursday 5 November 2020

Thankful Thursday - 238

This week I am thankful for...

1. Mysterious gifts. Someone (we have literally no idea who) left some classic children's books and a 12-piece puzzle on our back patio one evening. None of the friends I've asked have fessed up, so we have a suspicion that it was someone in our neighbourhood just doing a random act of kindness. I sat down and read the kids Goldilocks, Snow White, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Puss in Boots, and more the other night all from one big book. 

2. A super fun Halloween. While a part of me is glad Halloween is over, I definitely feel it was one of the funnest Halloweens we've had. I think living with COVID the last 9 months has made us appreciate the normalcy of safe holidays like this.

What a face. This was the morning after Halloween. I decided to try play it cool with the candy this year. Halloween night and the next day I just let them go to town. Dom got a tummy ache, Emilia self-regulated her intake pretty well. By the latter half of the day, I couldn't handle watching Augustus Gloop gorge himself anymore, and put the candy up out of reach. They can have a few a day still, but don't get it whenever they want. One at snack time, and maybe one with dinner. They do well with rules/boundaries, so it hasn't been an issue so far. Emilia's favorite candy is Rockets, which is hilarious - whose favorite is Rockets?!

3. Taking care of ME! Being down to one job has taken a load off me mentally. While I was only doing 4 hours a week for the last while at the other job, that day is now dedicated to working at the Spartan Foundation. My schedule right now is Monday and Wednesday 7-12 at the office, and then the rest of my work from home. Having those Wednesday hours guaranteed this week made me able to relax so much more on Tuesday, and I actually didn't answer a single email. I knew I'd have time to get to it and focus on Wednesday. I'm more productive at the office too, probably because I don't have kids fighting beside me, asking for snacks, or crying and trying to sit on my lap as I work and do meetings... I also started a new workout program - yoga wasn't working for my growing belly anymore. I'm doing the Prenatal Barre Blend from Beach Body. I've only done two days, but it seems doable and I'm excited to keep at it. I am tapering down my Wellbutrin medication, and am down to 150 mg/day now instead of 300mg. Still feeling good, and glad I'm taking time for myself while I can! I'm nervous about when new baby comes and having more demanded from me. I kind of like my lifestyle right now! I know it's all worth it though :)

4. Living in Canada. Right now this probably needs no explanation, but future Renee reading back might need a refresher. America is falling apart. There is more division now than there has been in my lifetime, and the presidential election took place two days ago. There is no official result, though Trump has claimed to have won, and is pushing legal action on states that are still counting votes. Biden is currently 6 electoral votes away from the 270 needed to become President, and oh gosh I just hope it's over soon! The world needs a leader in what was once the most powerful country on the planet. Aside from the political unrest, the COVID pandemic has taken another turn in the states and there were over 100,000 cases in one day alone. I am grateful to live in a country/province/community where there is peace, people respect others' political views, there is freedom of religion, we respect our leaders and have kept COVID under control for the most part, and we work together despite our differences. 

Wow, I took no pictures this week, so here is a picture of a pizza I made haha. 

Goal for next week... take more pictures!

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