Tuesday 29 September 2020

Kimber Surprise 3.0! - Maybe not such a surprise

Well it's no secret that I've been exhausted and overwhelmed the last few months. I know there are many suspicious folks out there, and I am here to validate you and confirm your suspicions.

David and I are expecting baby #3! Due April 13, 2021. 

I am 12 weeks along now, and finally starting to feel like a human again. (Except today is an off day and I'm nauseous again)... I'll post more details in my weekly updates post for 4-11 weeks, but basically it was the worst first trimester I've had. I hate that women have to suffer so many things privately. There's the monthly periods with pain, discomfort and grossness, and then there's this whole first trimester where everything is a secret and you just feel like crap, but can't really ask for help or slack from most people unless they're in the loop. 

This was one of the craziest few months of our year for many reasons: me transitioning to two jobs, Dom going to preschool, David going away for a week, David's work picking up again, Sherlock getting sick again, me being sick as a dog, and us committing to too many things. If there was ever a time to say no, slow down, and take care of ourselves, it's now!

Normally I would have announced a couple weeks ago, but time kind of got away from me. It's easier to hide it when I don't see people as often! Less opportunity to spy my questionable bloat ;). 

We are excited, but I am also nervous. I just finished the baby stage! Both Dom and Emilia are relatively independent, Emilia goes through like two diapers a day, they both communicate with words, they both sleep like champions, and they both understand me when I say, "I just need to go lay down." Alas, in 6 short months I will be back to changing 10+ diapers a day, waking up 3-4 times per night to feed and rock a cranky newborn, changing spit-up clothes multiple times per day, learning about a new human all together, nursing and the pain/struggle that goes along with that, etc. etc. Don't hear this as complaining! It's just me reminiscing and appreciating how far we've come. I am also so excited to see what this next babe will turn out like when they're 2 and 3 - what will their personality be like? Cautious, gentle and kind like Dom? Spunky, feisty and snuggly like Emilia? None/all of the above? 

Something surprising... Dave and I are NOT planning to find out the gender this time around! I don't have any guesses or feelings or preferences at this point, so we will see how things progress!

Now I have to remember to do weekly photos and posts again! Wish us luck! Not a single other family in our complex has more than 2 kids. Maybe we'll start a trend!

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