Monday 21 September 2020

Crafting, Colds, Carbs, and Clean Air

Saturday morning I woke up with grand plans for the day. Brunch at my parents' place, home for nap time, and then off to David's parents' place for dinner. Home for bedtime, and then crafting for girls night! 

Many of these plans were thwarted when Dom woke up with a stuffy nose. CRAP! First week of preschool, and of course he has to get sick. I mean, it's fair when he sticks his hands in his mouth constantly. I should have seen it coming! I figured parents wouldn't be sending kids if they were sick, but of course some littles don't show symptoms of colds right away in the morning. Anywho, lots of kids in his class as well as some of the teachers now have a cold. All COVID tests have come back negative (not that that was really a concern as there's no cough or fever involved), but it's good news anyway.

Well, 'tis the season to isolate with a runny nose I suppose... We had to cancel brunch and dinner with our families which I threw a little grown-up tantrum about. (By which I mean inside I was really upset, but outside just said, "this is annoying..."). 

While I was feeling sorry for myself about the day, it actually turned out to be a really nice family day and I felt super recharged by the end of it! My dad dropped off a bucket of brunch food for us, and Scott joined us for brunch because Ashleigh is afflicted with the very same cold as Dom. We figured we'll all get it at some point anyway. Mom packed up bagels, croissants, raisin bread, cream cheese, smoked salmon, red onions & capers, butter, jam, fruit salad, and mostly cooked bacon (so we could finish frying it up at home). I mean I guess that's an okay brunch, Ma!

Mom asked if we could send a picture of the display before we dug in. That implied we had to make a display. Thank you Scott for helping prettify it all!

Even without us displaying it, this is how it came. Pretty sure she thought of everything. We had a chuckle about her packing butter along though. Do you think we don't have butter? ;)

For some reason, despite Dom's runny nose, he and Emilia got along so well 90% of the day. I can't remember the last time they played that nicely. They read books together, they played upstairs together, Dom was just in a kind mood. Emilia also started doing some puzzles she got for her 2nd birthday. All of a sudden she's acing all these 12-piece puzzles! Her little brain is so smart :)

During the day, our house is almost always this messy. Sometimes in the evening too if we don't feel like cleaning. I strongly dislike clutter and mess, and much prefer organization and clear counters. However... somethings gotta give! I've had to learn how to let go of a few things haha.

In the afternoon, I took Sherlock out for a walk in the FRESH AIR! It was super refreshing to not be breathing in all that smoke for the first time in over a week. 

Toller season is here! <3

Before dinner time, David's dad came by with dinner for us! He had made ribs and chili that day, anticipating us joining them for dinner. I'm so grateful that even though we couldn't visit with everyone on Saturday, food was still brought to us - what a blessing! I threw together a spinach salad and cooked up some rice to go with it, and it was a delicious dinner. 

We put the kids to bed, and then Scott & Ashleigh came over. Scott and Dave went downstairs and played video games, while we worked on our craft! We had gone to Michael's a couple days prior and picked up some supplies to make Fall wreaths. I think they turned out beautifully! It was really nice to hang out and do something productive. We finished before 9, so decided to watch a chick flick too. We watched "The Lost Husband", which has one of my #1 favourites, Josh Duhamel, in it. We were excited for the inevitable love story and scenes that usually accompany that. The story was good, but the movie lacked romance to the level we were expecting/hoping for. Oh well, a couple good kisses will have to do!

Mine is on the left, Ashleigh's is on the right. Hers is so glamorous! And (aside from the burlap pumpkins) could be used for Spring or Fall!

Pretend the wreath isn't framing a big ugly flaw in the door. I'm not sure what the previous owners did, but that darn smudge mark is there forever!

On Sunday we were again at home most of the day. Dave is planning another Harry Potter Halloween this year (with COVID precautions of course), and asked for my help with some of the crafty things. He brought out some wood and asked me to paint a "Diagon Alley" sign for him. Sure thing! D&E were intrigued by my painting, and asked to paint as well. I brought out some old canvases I had kicking around and let them go for it! They kept things remarkably clean, which was a bonus. 

Thanks for the sneaky photos, Dave :)

So far the rest of us have been spared from this runny nose cold, which I consider a miracle because a 3-year old only understands "don't wipe your boogers on me" and "sneeze into your elbow" to a certain degree.

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