Thursday 2 April 2020

Thankful Thursday - 217

I might actually get dressed and venture out of the house today. I need a couple toiletries and storage bins from Canadian Tire. Wish me luck!!

This week I am thankful for...

1. Dom's courage. Dom is growing up. Aside from deciding to potty train himself a couple weeks ago, he decided a couple days ago to start driving the BMW independently. He drove around our driveway a bit, and proudly announced, "We're going to drive to someone's house!" He then started driving out of the complex the same way we would. We went all the way around the outside of the complex with very minimal instruction from me. He's actually a surprisingly good driver!

2. Emilia's innovation. The other day she came to me to ask me to put on her painting smock. Then she ran and grabbed the Darth Vader "Dader" mask. I put them on and it looked like she was showing an alternative form of PPE for our front-line workers. <3

3. Ways to pass the quaran-time. We made cloud dough this week, Sherlock relished in the morning time before the kids got up, and the neighbour's car got towed, so that provided some entertainment for Dom!

It's a little messy, but so worth the 1 hour straight that they were silent the first day.

Just woke up from a rare nap and ran down to see the tow truck!

4. Dom's initiative. I don't know where it came from (maybe Dave), but Dom has started noticing the clock, and understands that where the hands point means we're at a certain point in our daily schedule. Multiple times per day he's asking me what kind of time it is, or what it means, or what's next, etc. He would go to his clock on his play kitchen and match it to our big clock. I decided to make a little chart/schedule that shows what the clock looks like at certain times of the day and what it means. I posted it in his kitchen. He is already starting to translate what the big clock says to what time of day it is. If it's 11:00 he'll look at his chart and announce that it's lunch time! Smart boy :)

Me: What does our clock look like?
D: THIS ONE! It means it's lunch time! Now I need to make my clock lunch time!

Ta da! This kid is so ready for preschool. 

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