Monday 13 April 2020

Lately - Sherlock, Easter & Sunshine!

The last week has been pretty emotionally exhausting. Sherlock had his surgery on Thursday, and he was sort of slow to recover, being quite sick the next day at home. We called the vet and found that a side effect of the antibiotics he has to take for two weeks is upset stomach. We seem to have figured out a method that works now and he doesn't get as nauseous, but it was hard to see the first couple days when he's so out of it already and in clear pain, whining and moaning all the time and not wanting to eat. Yesterday and today he is almost back to normal though! Slightly less energy than usual, but back to usual eating habits, doesn't appear to be in discomfort, and seems to be enjoying life again. Whew!
As part of his recovery plan the vet suggested we keep him in a dark, warm room for the first day at least. We tried setting him up in the office, thinking it would be good for him to rest down there without all the noise and rambunctious children upstairs. Sherlock would apparently MUCH rather be upstairs with the noise. Strange boy. I'd pick a dark quiet room over all that stimulation any day haha. 

Anyway, the surgeon said he is pleased with how the surgery went, and we will have a follow up on April 23 to ensure nothing is getting inflamed again. Another thing! When I went to pick him up, I was ready to pay the bill (expecting it to be around $1,200), and the tech said over the phone, "Okay, so you owe $109.00." I asked, "Okay, when do I pay the rest?" and she said, "Oh... a family member called in and put money down on your bill." Way to make an already exhausted Renee cry! Some of my family put money together and covered almost our entire vet bill. I totally just started crying on the phone. We are so so blessed, and it was so unexpected. 

I cannot get over how beautiful the weather has been. This whole quarantine business would be a LOT more difficult if it was rainy, cold, or snowing (sorry friends in Alberta...)! I actually got a sun burn the other day!

I am still loving my phone camera <3

They're so badass. 

This outfit is 100% what people dream about when they find out they're having a baby girl.

Having a yummy chicken noodle soup lunch on the patio! First time opening the umbrella this year, too. Ahhh I love spring!

Yum yum I love homemade chicken noodle soup!

Dom has been very into learning about how cars and engines work. I'll have to brush up on my car knowledge!

She's wild.

Opa and Oma did a Zoom call with the kids and read them a few books one evening before bed. Genius. We definitely have to do this more often! It's so sad that they don't get to see each other in person.

Many photos of Emilia in this post... Her outfits are too cute!

Dave took Dom out to wash the car yesterday morning, so I had some one-on-one time with Emilia before church (or attempting to watch the church service... the kids never seem to allow me that luxury).

Daddy helping Emilia hold a ladybug

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. After nap time Scott & Ashleigh came over and we set up an Easter Egg hunt for Dom & Em. Their first ever! It was adorable. They were so excited, and Emilia ate SO much chocolate. 

We had some snacks, and Ashleigh made sangria for the grown-ups. I am typically pretty cautious about what the kids eat, but I sort of let them go for it yesterday which was fun. After they ate dinner we all went for a walk, and stopped to listen to a young boy play the bagpipes at 7:00, accompanied by his brother on the drums. So cool to see everyone stepping up in their salutes to frontline workers!

After Dom & Em were in bed, we cooked up our grown up Easter dinner. Opa & Oma G had dropped off some beef tenderloins last week for us, so we cooked those up (to perfection), and had double-baked potatoes, Scott's sourdough bread, and spinach salad. So so so delicious! 

We finished off the evening with a movie (Dirty Grandpa or something) in the theatre. Between the sangria and wine I drank, I had a slow start to life this morning!

I think I might start a personal journal about this whole COVID/Quarantine business. Something that goes a little deeper than the public blog. I think everyone should!

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