Saturday 28 March 2020

Quarantine = Time to Paint!

Well, we've been quarantined for over two weeks now, essentially. Still a long way to go! We have an agreement with Scott and Ashleigh that we live as one household, so we still get to see them. We share grocery shopping and meals, and none of us are working outside the home (except David occasionally with necessary precautions). It's a win-win. Ashleigh still gets to hang out with kids from time to time, and I can get things done without having the kids hanging off me! 

Life in quarantine doesn't feel tooooo different than usual, although it's hard to explain to the kids why we can't go into Opa & Oma's house, or go see Gramma & Grandpa. Or why we can't go to Costco, or go to the park or the museum or library. Luckily they're pretty well entertained at home, too. 

This week I decided to put my time to good use and painted our bedroom! Every spring I seem to paint a room (or the whole house pretty much like last year). We had leftover white from that, and leftover navy from Dom's room, so we used those colours in our room. I am in love with how it turned out.

So fresh! Feels much bigger now, too. 

When we get around to it we will likely hang this Mykonos picture (David took when we were in Mykonos and had printed). It matches beautifully!

Before, our room was typical builder's beige. It was fine, but was in definite need of an upgrade/freshening up. The kids spent a few days either hanging out with Aunty Ashleigh, watching TV/movies, or making a major mess of the house while I painted intermittently. 

Clearly my ability to compose a photo has come a long way in the last 4 years... 

Speaking of a messy house... I was painting for half an hour and the kids were getting along, so I just left them. When I was done, I realized that literally every room on the top two floors of our house was a COMPLETE disaster. 

Hurricane Dom-ilia 

In addition to painting, we've been keeping busy on video chats. We're honestly seeing many people more than we usually would. I am missing the Chickalettas though. We'll have to arrange another chat with them soon. 
I wish I had a professional Zoom account so I could arrange meetings with other people that are longer than 40 minutes...

Family chat for Opa's birthday this week

It was actually nice to chat with these ladies without all our kids. 

We chatted with my family the other night, too. Mom & Dad left, but the 8 of us stayed on for another hour or so. Things got rowdy. There MAY have been a few shots taken, dance parties, and an episode of "Cooking with Jeff" featuring a pepperoni pizza from the freezer. 

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