Friday 1 November 2019

This is Halloween!

It has come and gone! David's favorite day of the year. He is already planning for next year!
Scroll to the bottom for David's highlight video of our Creepy Crawly set up! Less than a minute of your life well spent! :) Dave said there were about four people who told him he had the best set-up/experience in the whole neighbourhood!

Halloween is not really my thing, but it is a lot of fun with the kids. It's also rewarding to see how much joy David gets out of it. 

This year I ran out of time/inspiration for costumes, but found a unicorn costume at Costco for $9.97 and a Darth Vader costume on Marketplace for $12. Sold and sold! On Halloween I made a huge batch of pulled pork. It fed Davids parents, my parents, Jeff, Marta, Adam, Scott, Ashleigh, and our family of 4 (with enough leftovers for dinner tonight)! Another Costco win on the pork! 

Anyway, pork isn't the point of the post... After the kids got up from their naps I got them in their costumes and brought them downstairs and bribed them with candy to try get a couple nice pictures. Dave was kind enough to take a break from his all day set up and do that for me. They weren't as happy/smiley as I was hoping because of the "scary grey skull" that Dave had set up by the door haha. At least it's all genuine! 

Dom is staring at the "grey skull"

This is pretty much how Dom felt about the whole evening haha! Not super upset, not super excited, just super nervous! It would be nice if he had older friends, siblings or cousins to go out with that would help bring him out of his shell.

Emilia ran into another little girl her age wearing the same costume. It was so adorable as they stood staring eye to eye in their cozy little unicorn suits <3 There weren't as many unicorns on the streets as I expected though! 

I had very very low expectations for trick or treating this year. Dom has been nervous about all the decorations for weeks already, so I figured with his shyness and the spooky atmosphere he wouldn't be into it. We didn't get out the door to go trick or treating until it was dark, which I will try to avoid doing next year. The big kids were out in full force and much more assertive than our little ones. Trick or treating lived up to my very very low expectations haha! Dom didn't say anything the whole time except "carry me...." and pointed out the Storm Troopers when they were long gone. He did see another Darth Vader which was pretty exciting! 

Emilia was mostly the same, but she did alright for an 18 month old! She walked and was carried, and was mostly adventurous. She cried once when she saw a big Storm Trooper. For the rest she was just along for the ride. She would say "thank you" and "bye (daiiiiii!)" at the houses at the end. She also worked her magic and snuck extra candies out of a couple bowls. 

Our neighborhood has a few houses that go all out. Our goal is to hit three of them plus our own, which we did. The streets are crazy busy, but everyone is happy and friendly. People are out with their dogs all dressed up, and Emilia LOVED the giant goldenXbernese. 

This house has projectors, music, and an "Enter" and "Exit" gateway every year. People gather here just to hang out, have a drink, and watch their kids dance along. Fun atmosphere.

I was a little disappointed that Dave couldn't/didn't come trick or treating much. Maybe one or two houses, but he had to man the fort back at home. Our first year he did a haunted graveyard, and the last two years he did a Harry Potter theme. Link for 20162017 and 2018 here. It was a looooooot of work, and he decided to change it up this year and did a SPIDERS theme instead. Yeueuechghghgh. That's how I feel about spiders. He went all out with the webs, and did an amazing job getting it all set up. He got some (I have no idea how much) help from Scott, too. What I know is that I had to do nothing except get the kids figured out and make pulled pork. 

It's too hard to explain, and pictures don't really capture it, but Dave put together this little highlight clip of the set up. Worth a watch!!

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